When can greens be introduced to chicks?


11 Years
Mar 20, 2012
Sudbury, MA
My Coop
My Coop
We are first time chicken owners, and currently have 6 chicks (4 are 3 weeks, 2 are 2 weeks.) They are thriving on the medicated chick feed they receive, but I wondered when we are able to/should begin to introduce some greens (lettuce/grass etc? I haven't found any mention of it in the reference books I have....other than when we can begin to give them some outside introductory range time around 5-6 weeks. Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

Mine get small amounts of finely chopped veggies or people food from day 1. Some people wait for a few weeks. Whatever you decide, it is probably a good idea to offer chick grit.

You can take them out at anytime for playtime. Be careful, as they can move fast. Don't want to lose one.

Thank you Imp. Do you mean we can take them outside anytime? I thought we had to wait till they were a bit older. We plan on using a bottomless dog crate for their outdoor time...that way they will be safe, and we can locate it where ever we want to while working outside. We have a high number of predators (hawk, coyote, fishers etc.) in our area, so sadly free ranging is not an option.
Thank you Imp. Do you mean we can take them outside anytime? I thought we had to wait till they were a bit older. We plan on using a bottomless dog crate for their outdoor time...that way they will be safe, and we can locate it where ever we want to while working outside. We have a high number of predators (hawk, coyote, fishers etc.) in our area, so sadly free ranging is not an option.
I think you can take them outside anytime. I'd only do it when it is warm. I mean not during a cold snap or storm, just comfortable weather.
They can run fast so I'd worry about losing them. And make sure nothing can knock over the dog crate.
Mostly -have fun

I feed my greens from day one doesn't mean they will eat them. tomatos they usually eat right away and alfalfa the real stuff not pellets. as for going out safe you can take them out during the day and bring them back in at duskish. i usually permanently leave them outside when they are quail size. you dont want to leave them out side when they are little they get cold easly. they say but them under a lamo and each week move the lamp farther and farther away until you turn it off. chicks can also get colds and become sick.
We give them time outside their brooder several times a day...the kids hold them, or allow them to climb on their legs, and the surrounding floor. If we give them outside time it will only be for a couple of hours on a warm afternoon. I didn't realize we could do it this young...so at this point we've kept them strictly inside. Our plan was to move them out to the coop at about 10 weeks (which is now under construction.)

I'm going to go ahead and give them some greens...and will try the tomatoes and alfafa...possibly the hard boiled eggs too (although I have to laugh, the egg eating sounds a bit too cannibalistic to me right now.) :)

Thanks so much for all your input, it's been very helpful.
I gave mine some short grass clippings from the backyard at about 3 weeks, I also sprinkled some sand in with it. I thought they would just scratch around in it for fun, but they gobbled the whole mess up in less than 24 hours! Around the same time I started taking them outside in their brooder and tipping it on its side so they could come out if they wanted. It actually took a few field trips before they were brave enough to even venture out into the grass. Even now, at seven weeks or so, they still stay close to me when I let them out of their run. I only have 2 though so they are pretty easy to manage
You would be shocked how much they ove the eggs and they q0are easy on the tummy. I take mine ouut everyday. Someone told me that if I tok them out they would featyer up faster. The llove grass and I gave sand for grit too
Also you may want to consider transitioning them to their outside coop/ run before 10 weeks if the weather there is nice enough. I started leaving mine out in their secure run durring the day at between 4 n 5 weeks, it means cleaning up a lot less poo! lol. By five weeks I was leaving them out overnight (with their brooder lamp and lots of check ups.) They get big and messy fast!!

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