When did YOUR chickens start laying?

Just got my first egg last Monday from a White Leghorn, 18 weeks. 2 more WL chimed in on Thursday and then yesterday. Nothing from the SLW, EE, BO's or RIR, same age.
11 Rhode Island Reds, 8 Barred Rocks, 3 California White, 2EE. This week at age 27 weeks. It has been exciting. Went from 3 eggs to 7 to 10. Last night I got a dozen. How fun is that. Just forget about it and then it happens. I figured we'd just be feeding them forever with no return. Adding daylight helped them get started I believe as the days are getting longer here in IA.
Spring hatched White Leghorns - 18 wks.
Spring hatched ISA Browns - 19 wks
Spring hatched Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Buff Orpingtons - 20-22 wks
Spring hatched Easter Eggers (very mixed) - 20-22 wks

Summer and fall hatched birds of the same above may lay much later.
Golden Comet 1 - 18 1/2 weeks
Golden Coment 2 - 24 weeks
"Cuckoo Maran" - 23 weeks 5 days
Cherry Egger - 25 weeks 1 day

Yet to lay:
3 EE's who are all 26 weeks 6 days
I Cherry Egger 26 weeks 6 days
1 "Cuckoo Maran" 26 weeks 6 days
Today I found an egg on the coop floor. Our first egg from these new girls.
Partridge Chanteclers - 23 weeks, 2 days

I showed off the egg to my husband and then placed it into a nesting box. Sure enough, by the time I was done chores a hen was in there concentrating hard.
So we are on the way.
One EE laid her first egg on Thursday!!! 27 weeks and 1 day
The Cherry Egger laid her first egg on Wednesday!!! 27 weeks
I got my first egg last week and I assumed it was my oldest- a BR who was just over 22 weeks at the time. But, now I think it was actually one of my BSLs who was 19 weeks. Hmmm. I know it doesn't help much, since I'm not sure who laid it, but right now I'm leaning toward the BSL- because I mostly catch her in the nest box where I've found eggs.

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