When do Buff Orpingtons start laying?

There is no set rule for when chickens will lay...but a good rule of thumb is 19-24 weeks on average. Think of it like humans..not every female hits puberty at the same age...kind of the same thing here.

Having said that, I have 2 BOs that are the same age. One matured much faster than the other. She laid at around 22-23 weeks and the other was 26 weeks.

You should be able to tell that they are getting closer when their combs & wattles grow & everything on their face turns bright red. Also, you should see the egg squat...Mine also made a tremendous amount of noise...
What is an egg squat? I have delawares, BO's and golden laced wyandottes and all are 20 weeks old. Some have very red combs and waddles others not so much. I have had chickens before years ago but they were all laying when I got them. This is my first time raising them from chicks.
What is an egg squat? I have delawares, BO's and golden laced wyandottes and all are 20 weeks old. Some have very red combs and waddles others not so much. I have had chickens before years ago but they were all laying when I got them. This is my first time raising them from chicks.
An egg squat would be when they start squatting here and there like their gonna lay an egg. Just practicing, I usually can tell by how red their combs get. It's just a wait and see, their all different. Sounds like your right there though and can be anytime. Mine started anywhere between 19-24wks and 2 of them were at 26 and 28wks. Good luck, your eggs will be here soon.
I got my first 3 eggs today!!! I don't know which breed nor which hens layed them but my son and I found three of them in different spots today but, all of them were on the coop floor.
I got my first 3 eggs today!!! I don't know which breed nor which hens layed them but my son and I found three of them in different spots today but, all of them were on the coop floor.
Whoo Who!!! You can put golf balls or plastic eggs in the nest boxes to get them to train to lay them in there, if you don't want them laying them on the floor.
Whoo Who!!! You can put golf balls or plastic eggs in the nest boxes to get them to train to lay them in there, if you don't want them laying them on the floor.
I put some of my sons plastic easter eggs in the nesting boxes and it worked for the most part. I have a Buff Orpington that insists on laying on the floor. I even had one lay an egg in the litter pan under the roosts.
Ya, it don't take long at all and their up to regular size. Probably just a few days. Mine would lay them in the roosting pan and undewr the nest boxes sometimes for a few days to weeks but they all seem to get where their suppose to lay them sooner or later, in nthe right spot, lol. I suppose unless you get a hard headed one.
Hello everyone! I'm new here but just thought I'd throw my two cents worth into the conversation. I have one White Orpington and one Black Australorp, both are 27 weeks old and neither are laying yet. I also have one Silver Spangled Hamburg that is about 18 weeks old and isn't laying yet either. I'm really looking forward to finding that first egg though! I think the Australorp will lay first because her comb and waddles are dark red already. The Orpington's are still pale pink and she's loosing a lot of feathers right now (molting I suppose???). I did have a some excitement among my little flock today though as my Silver Spangled Hamburg rooster crowded for the first time! I never thought raising chickens would be this much fun!
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They really range in age at point of lay. They seem to mainly be between 18-24wks on an average, but then you get those early and late bloomers. lol 1st egg you find is always so awsome, everytime a new one lays

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