When do I admit defeat?

Good info here. One other thing I've noticed through experience with my own girls, any change will mess with production. It sounds like each time they've adjusted to a new change, you've thrown something new at them. Even little things like switching food or changing the daily routine will potentially throw them off anywhere from a couple days, to a couple weeks.

In so many ways, less is more with chickens. Find a routine that works for you and them, and stick with it as best you can, and don't give up!!
Well my brother built it for me. He talked me into getting the chickens because his yard is very small. I will raise and keep the chickens and he would build the coop RIGHT! Well at 8 weeks he still had only half of the coop built. My nephew finished it for me. Hardware cloth is very expensive! The coop is a 3 sided shed 6x8 with roof of course. Since I hate painting sheds I used green asphalt shingles on every surface. The front is all Hardware cloth except the door frames. The attached run is 22x 10. They have a chicken swing which only the Golden Stars use. When a Star is on the swing a white leghorn comes up behind and pecks her tail. I have 9 chickens and I am fighting the chicken math!!

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