When do Wyandottes generally start laying?

Blrw finally laid at 28 weeks.

Yeah! So there is hope for us. Our two SLW are 31 weeks old and nothing! One has a health issue (lump under waddles) that the vet can't seem to figure out without surgery (not doing that) so she might never lay. MaryAnn is scratching in a nest, but nothing so far.
Yeah!  So there is hope for us.  Our two SLW are 31 weeks old and nothing!  One has a health issue (lump under waddles) that the vet can't seem to figure out without surgery (not doing that) so she might never lay.  MaryAnn is scratching in a nest, but nothing so far.

There is hope! My other blrw isn't laying yet either.
It seems like BLRW mature even slower than SLW and GLW right?
I have 6 that are 32 weeks old already and their combs and wattles are not that red either.
I hope at least the late maturing is going to be a positive thing for the future years
Chickens (in general) start laying eggs when the weather is warm. For instance; where I live; If you get some chickens in the middle of the year it is a 50-50 chance that they will start laying before winter hits. (My bantams actually started laying just before winter, then stopped two and a half weeks later because it got too cold. And this darn snake kept stealling them! I didn't get any.) But if they didn't start that means you have to wait till the next year. (Then, my bantams and standard sized chickens started in Febuary when I had gotten them in April of the previous year) If you get chickens really early in the year, they should start laying eggs by the middle of the year/summer time.(Which would be a few extra months before it gets too cold.)

Problem with getting chicks really early on in the year is that it is still a bit too cold to ship them. (depending on the state you live in)

Though the weather has been really strange around here (Clovis, New Mexico). For instance, we didn't get snow till Febuary of the next year (2015 Currently we have 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches of snow right now.). We had a little bit of rain and it was cold all december of 2014 but by 2015 thats when it really hit us. So that means our seasons are off by two or three months.
I actually got 2 Guinea fowls to help keep my small diminished flock safe. Guineas actually kill and eat snakes, fleas, ticks, mice, and all sorts of bugs. And if they use their call, it deters mice, and snakes to stay away. They are very good guards too. Expecially if they hear any cyotes or wild dogs that come near my greenhouse where my chickens and last duck are. Though a lot of people say they are noisy. I believe that is only because of how they were raised and their envirement. The Guineas that I got, had lived in a loud envirement, and when I introduced them to my chickens, and duck they calmed immensly. Haven't seen a snake since.

I'm currently waiting for some Wyandottes, Amerucanna, and Welsumner chickens to come in by the 8th of march. A week and a half from now.

And I'm waiting for my local Tractor Supply to have some Caguya, Black, Mallard, or Sweedish ducks so I can pick two for my last remaining duck. Poor girl has been out of sorts and desperate to hatch her own clutch of eggs since that dog attack that killed all of my other ducks and nearly all my chickens off in October 15th of 2014.

Hope this works *crosses fingers*
I've been wanting to create an account but I just had to now so that I could tell you how funny your comment is! I'm sure I will feel the same way! :D
I feel your pain wzis I have 4 girls 1 of which is a GLW and they are just shy of 29weeks. Only the barnavelder is laying for just over a week now. My GLW this week has started reddening up. No squatting yet. I hope yours has started since your post.

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