When Do You Deworm?

the simple life

11 Years
May 2, 2008
Weymouth, Massachusetts
How often do you use dewormer for your chickens?
Is it done as maintenance or only when you suspect they have worms?
What type of dewomer do you use.
I have been throwing the pumpkin guts to the chickens after scooping them out for carving jack o lanterns because I heard the seeds were a natural dewormer.
Hey, Natalie. Good question. Wondering the same thing. And is there a wormer that you can put in water instead of having to worm each chicken individually? It would be so much easier for those with a large number of chickens. Yes, I need to downsize.........

Worms are easily visible in the feces of chickens.

You can also have a fecal float test done to confirm worm problems.

I do the float test every year, & have NEVER wormed my birds in 9 years.

Mind you, I'm a bit of a freak on cleaning & sanitizing my cages. Plus my birds live inside, & free range only when supervised.
I wormed once before laying age as a precaution. I used food grade DE to worm. You mix it in with their feed. It's that simple.

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