When/How to Sex EE Chicks? (Pics added pg 2)

I had one EE that just stood out from the rest by about 8 weeks, but it was from watching a lot of behaviors, i.e. He watched the sky much more than the other pullets, he called everyone to roost at night, he started mounting the other pullets and dang near yanking their heads off at times, he stood differently from other pullets (more upright) frequently, He would often watch the rest of the pullets eating and foraging without an interest to eat, and finally he was the one who chased other birds, cats, and snakes away after sounding the alarm cry.

So, I did get comfirmation on here when 12 weeks, but I knew in my heart, he was a roo.

But, I am new to chickens and he maybe had too much male hormones running around in his little body, I don't know. So just enjoy that fuzzy little butt, and stick with names that can be changed from female to male easily, or use non-gender specific names. That makes it easier to make a change, if even necessary.
Here are the pictures:




I have an EE I've been calling a pullet for months... it hatched out on 7/4/10.

So lately I've been watching the big roo pic on it... then I noticed it's legs all of a sudden were longer and bigger and now I'm counting it as a roo. DS says we'll be eating him during the holidays. I may try to sell him.
That's about when my guys hatched too. Their combs started getting red and enlarged around 10 weeks old. I did lots of praying that one in particular wouldn't turn out to be a roo to no avail. Now at 15 weeks old they have been crowing for about 2 weeks and are getting some iridescent feathers. And one of them keeps mounting the pullets and (like deb's roo) appears to be biting their heads off. The pullets are not amused. Neither of my other two roos - the other EE and a Welsummer are doing that - yet. I feel sorry for the girls when/if they do.

Here are my pullet turned roos:


The meanie who bites everyone


The one I really, really wanted to be a pullet because he's super friendly. He's my profile pic chick.

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