When is a good time for treats?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Feb 28, 2012
Orange County California
I just brought home my babies... about 4 days old. When can I introduce treats like dried mealworms? (I saw two chicks fighting over a piece of poo that looked like a mealworm, till they realized it was poo, LOL)
I usually wait a couple weeks and then just a little. I read just recently if you give food other then chick food you need to give them chick grit or they will have trouble passing their food.
I think it also depends on what you are treating them with, mealworms is probably fine, scrambled eggs, I give the left over wet cat food every morning but thats maybe a tablespoon between 8 chicks, I just had one having trouble pooping, very runny so I gave apple cider vinegar with the mother in it and grit, cleared it right up.

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