when should i give up and turn the bator off and throw eggs out?

he didn't make it
he had a sack of fluid still attached to his belly. unabsorbed yolk?? what would cause that? did i need a higher or lower humidity? thanks for helping me and being there every step of the way... even though he didn't make it
AWWWWW DARN IT.... THAT REALLY SUCKS....... are you sure you had the days correct? because unabsorbed yolk could mean, your days are off, it's to early, or temp/humidity are off. Calebrating to make sure temps are accurate would be a good thing to do before starting the process again. So sorry about that, I was really counting on this little guy to make it. But with unabsorbed yolk there could be one thing we could have tried if he was still alive and that would be to put him in a sandwich bag with his head out. i have heard this works but not always successful. and you just leave him in there until he recovers on his own..
I have read that these eggs are the hardest to hatch.

temperature set for 100 degrees F, with humidity at 50% for days 1 thru 30. On day 31 the eggs should have a temperature of 99 degrees F and a humidity level of 65 to 70%. .

I have also read that once a day they should be misted...

wow that's interesting. i have an rcom 20 and the digital setting was always constant. i had the humidity at 60% during and 70% at lockdown. too high or low? well anyway there is one good thing....my dad's momma duck hatched out 4 healthy ducklings
i wanted to try out incubating for fun and a learning experience and so i could watch the eggs hatch, but left some under her for the very reason that this might happen. i wanted to keep 2 for myself as pets/companions so i now have 2 one day old baby scovy's that i take everywhere around the house and snuggle with while watching tv
i found them just about an hour after they hatched so they see me as mom
they're so cute
i'm really bumbed mine didn't hatch though
maybe i'll try again some time
Even though you have a good incubator I would double check the temps and humidity against something else in other words calibrate. There was a good thread about this, but I can't find it now. I am so very sorry you didn't get any. My very first hatch none survived, they were chicks, then I gave another attempt with ducks and had a 100% hatch. It is such a touchy thing this hatching process, even with a broody or mama duck.

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