when should i give up and turn the bator off and throw eggs out?

yes but he's not really doing anything. thanks so much for your help!

Dont thank me yet, this is the scariest and hardest part I think. Because if we go to fast we could kill him, if we go to slow, he could end up dying. is he back in the incubator with a warm cloth?? Just look at it this way when they make that first hole, they don't come out right away, it takes a long time. So we have to be just as patient. I have gotten impatient several times and because of my rushiness, I ended up losing them. So its really important that we take our time.

yes he's in the bator w/ a warm paper towel
he's the only one still moving. i opened up one that (from candleing) looked like it was the closest to maybe pipping. it was dead and hadn't absorbed a lot of the yolk. was my humidity too high or low? it was at 70% during lockdown. what would cause it to be so far along and still have the yolk attached. i took a pic if you want to see what it looks like. it's a bit graphic though
completely except where the hole and where you said the membrane was starting to come loose. Ok any progress yet? if not lets work on him some more..

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