when should i give up and turn the bator off and throw eggs out?

I've seen that video, the only thing she doesn't show it the waiting time. Lets work on this little guy, where you made the little hole, peel back some of the membrane until you can see him either moving or breathing.. Not a whole lot of it though.
Then we need to work on getting the rest of that shell off.. But first we need to know if we are working on a dead duck or a live one.. HOPEFULLY A LIVE ONE...
If there's fluids don't worry about it. Just let me know if he's breathing or not, keep peeling the membrane until you can see him move or breath or blood...Little bit at a time..
i'm not seeing anything
there's that brown fluid in there. i think he might be like the other one and not absorbed the yolk all the way
can you see his head, try to peel away until you see his head, sounds like we may have lost him. DANG IT.... He just to weak for survival...Try to get his head out in the opening. Perhaps there's still a chance, once he gets a good breath of air...

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