When should I turn the heat lamp on?

A.T. Hagan :

I personally prefer to turn it on the day before. This insures the bedding is completely dry, everything is warm, and most importantly gives me time to fix or correct things if something turns out to be wrong with my set up. Have a spare bulb on hand as well.

I do it this way too, one extra day just gives me time to tweak if necessary. The spare bulb is a MUST-HAVE!​
Definitely a spare bulb !

I plugged mine in when I got them home. Didn't use a thermometer, just adjusted the hight of the lamp based on how they were acting. Huddled under the direct heat of lamp ? Too far away. Moving out to the extreme edges of the brooder to get away ? too close. The chicks will regulate where they want to be warmpth wise as long as they have a means of escape from the heat if the get too warm.

I would also suggest using a red bulb - it reduces the picking injuries they can inflict upon each other. And they WILL pick at and possibly kill each other if they see something like even a speck of blood, poop stuck to fuzzy butt or a pin feather coming in odd.

Justs watch them. They'll tell you what they need. Panting ? Too hot. Huddled ? Getting chilly. Loud chirping means NOT happy. Soft chirping and activitiy = happy chicks.

Enjoy them
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I turn it on right before I go and get the chicks then I let them tell me after that If they are to hot to cold things of that nature.

I also used a 90,75,60,40 watt bulbs I just turned down the wattage till it was off at night (unless it was a chilly night) and on during the day (so they get the understanding that night was for sleeping and the day was for running around.
Worked for I have brooded three sets this way(Knocking on wood) Havent lost one yet.

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