When to cull eggs


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 18, 2010
I put 14 eggs in the bator a week ago today. I candled and only 5 of them have veins and signs of development, the other 9 are clear. Is there any hope for this eggs? Is it possible that these eggs are just behind or something? At what point do I toss them?

I'm super bummed about this percentage by the way. I had better luck with my TJ eggs
j'schicks :

I put 14 eggs in the bator a week ago today. I candled and only 5 of them have veins and signs of development, the other 9 are clear. Is there any hope for this eggs? Is it possible that these eggs are just behind or something? At what point do I toss them?

I'm super bummed about this percentage by the way. I had better luck with my TJ eggs

I had the same thing I candled my 10 eggs at 10 days only 5 were developing and 5 were clear.. I culled them right away.. if they don't develop 9 out of 10 times they won't and the longer they stay in the more bacteria can grow in them and cause the eggs to explode then you will have a mess to clean up.. more then likely they weren't fertile.​
Personally, I will candle at 7 days, and any that are still clear I will put a "?" on to check in another week. I've been fooled before, so as long as they're not stinky or weeping, I leave them in. But if you candle at day 14 and they're clear?... toss 'em.
My approach is to re-candle in 48 hours any that do not look clear. At this next candling I will throw out any that still are clear, but re-candle in a further 48 hours any that are dubious,

I don't throw out any that don't small until day 18 an then sometimes I just leave them then. Bacteria can get in to any egg. Leaving clears in the incubator don't cause any more of a threat than leaving the growing eggs in there. Just smell the incubator a lot in general.
I have a big incubator though so running out of room is not an issue.
i dont candle until day 10. if they are light brown or white eggs, and they are clear, then i toss them, but if they are colored eggs, i dont do anything to them because i've missed veins before and then when i've cracked to see if they were fertile, i find a baby. so i always leave green and dark brown eggs in.
I'm on my first hatch I candled at 5 7 and 10 days. The ones that were clear except for a green egg and that was hard to see through I tossed at day 10. When I cracked them they were just eggs, nothing in them.
I leave them in unless that bad dead smell starts to appear then I go searching. I put like 18 in I got from a lady up the street her broody was sitting on them and she did not want any chicks right now. so she said I could have them. last night at lock down I found 2 1 of them clearley only had the veins and that's it the other one was questionable so I put it back in. can't wait till they start to pip. I had a massive s are at about day 10 the thermostat quite working at night they were at about 70 for 10 hrs. but the rest of them I see movement. !

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