When to cull old hens??

Your hens look ragedy because of your aggresive rooster.
I have a hen 8 years old and her feathering is beautiful.
I dont cull except excess roosters. My hens are pets to me. They supply me with eggs and enjoyment by just being.
Your chickens, your choice.
Part of my flock is 3 year old hens i rescued from a egg producer in the area. They are a joy to me. And they still lay eggs well, even through this long, long winter we are having.
I don't cull either, one of the biggest reason I keep my flock small. The two elders will be hitting three years this summer so i'll be trying to hatch a daughter from each in case predation or illness takes them.
I will be giving those ladies extra vitamins "poly vi sol" and mixing calf manna into their feed about a month before gathering hatching eggs from them.
Both old girls lay eggs over 65grams but that has always been their normal so I don't expect issues, of course I may have some but that is just how it goes.:)

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