I have 11 eggs in my incubator, they were anywhere from a day to 2 weeks old when they went in, and all were laid within 3 weeks after I got rid of the rooster so I'm expecting a super low hatch rate. I'm still new to this but I wanted to only candle the eggs once (less chances of me dropping them or something).
I'm on day 10 right now and I'd like to know when would be best to candle them? Then I can pull out the duds which I suspect will be many of them. Since I'm new to candling I was looking at this helpful guide: https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...ion-through-incubation-of-chicken-eggs.47879/
I was thinking that maybe day 14 or 15 would be best since it looks like around that time might be the easiest for me to determine the duds from the others since I'm still new to candling. Any suggestions?
I'm planning to only candle again if it's past day 24 and there are any still unhatched.
I'm on day 10 right now and I'd like to know when would be best to candle them? Then I can pull out the duds which I suspect will be many of them. Since I'm new to candling I was looking at this helpful guide: https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...ion-through-incubation-of-chicken-eggs.47879/
I was thinking that maybe day 14 or 15 would be best since it looks like around that time might be the easiest for me to determine the duds from the others since I'm still new to candling. Any suggestions?
I'm planning to only candle again if it's past day 24 and there are any still unhatched.