When to expect first goose egg in Maine


11 Years
May 3, 2008
This is my first time with geese. I got some last spring so this April they will be turning one year old.
When should I start to see some eggs? Any ideas?
My girls just laid their first eggs the other day. I wasn't expecting to be getting anything other than my chicken eggs, and here were these 5 giant white eggs sitting next to the chicken eggs!
Ok then.. I am thinking my one year old goosey girl is not going to lay eggs. I have waited and watched, waited and watched and nada. Nothing at all. I would think that she should be laying by now. She just turned a year old.
She may still lay yet. One of our older Toulouse girls has still not laid this year. Sometimes they're late but here in the UK we're having an early heatwave with temps in the 70s! The warmer weather will put some off laying


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