When to help? When to worry?

I was told farmed (for egg production) chickens were sterile if they were not hatched naturally. I didn't think to question this because not wanting half formed baby chickens in supermarket eggs seemed legitimate to me.
Oh I feel very gullible right now:-(

LOL, I would go back to that person and ask this " is that why a Hen can't lay an egg without a Rooster".. LOL hahahahahha Sorry couldn't resist.. LOL,, Or ask this, OH MAN, I COULD HAVE LOTS OF FUN WITH THIS PERSON:

ask this: Sometimes my hen crows does that means she Asexual? So she doesn't need a mate she can fertilize her own eggs." LOL,. Or how about this: When I feed my ducks, they quack, does this mean they are healthy or are they telling me they are dying?" Or: When my duck went into the pool, she stayed in one spot for a while does that mean she's broken or deformed?"

OMG, Sorry, I'm not making fun of you, I think that is just soo funny... Oh man I could go on and on,.. how about this: a hawk came in the yard and was on top of my chicken, does this mean they are lover's for life." how about: A fox came in my yard and took one of my hens, do you think he'll give her a better life?"

OK OK, I'll stop.. LOL sorry, I just could not resist.

This is our new pen for the new drake. It's the one on the right hand side with the ugly temporary door:-/
We're off to buy 3 hens for him now:)
He's a fair bit smaller than my other drake but still a fraction bigger than the original girls.
He's much bigger than the new girls. They seem happy together though preening each other:)
I think the younger girl I got yesterday might be a cross with indian runner?
I'll upload a pic of the new ladies.
He was living in a pen with twelve other drakes and twenty male turkeys. He was the smallest so had no feathers at all left on his back or wings. Just red raw stumps.
The conditions were so shabby I was tempted to leave but I brought him so he could have a better life.
He's slowly gotten some feathers in.

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