When to start worming Peachicks?


10 Years
Feb 20, 2009
I have Peachicks ranging in age from 1 week to 1 month old. They are in brooders and will eventually be moved to a much larger cage/brooder with a raised wire floor. They won't actually be on the ground for several months. When should I start worming them? I have Piperazine and Fenbendazole to I use for my year-old male peacock.
I start mine at 3 months, use safeguard for goats(panacure) Then ivomec pour on 1/2 cc on the shoulder base of the wings. at 4 months. adults i give 1 cc
TSC its in a brown box, for cattle. Can use on all your birds, just dont eat the eggs or meat untill with draw time.

Its kills, lices,mites,and some worms ,but not all.Reason I use panacure also.

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