When to throw in the towel...

If there's no smell, let them keep going til the end of day 26! You never know. There are multiple longest hatch reports at 26 days. <3 Praying for your chickies and hoping they're just late!
Yes on day 26 if you are brave enough carefully crack big end of egg off.Sometimes the chick doesn't have energy to break out but it can still be alive.
There is no smell, I’ll crack them open at that point. There is no noises. One of them is an olive Egger.
I have a olive egger that layer eggs with very thick shells.I can't even see inside when candling them.Chicks always have hard time breaking thru it's shell.I have to assist most of time.

Can you hear any noises from them? How many eggs do you have left?
As unbearable as the temptation is, I would suggest raising up the humidity and lock them down for a few more days. Too much fiddling/meddling is risky. It's always a gamble, whether to interfere or not; when or how much...but right now, I'd let them rest.
My little chick is sneezing. I heard her sneeze about 5 times in the last 3 days. Do chicks sometimes sneeze?
If your little one is by herself and you are unsure about what your success rate is going to be with the other eggs, you might consider getting her a companion. I know, going out and buying a chick when you are hatching some seems a little ridiculous but they do not like to be alone. Is she warm enough in the brooder? Is she really noisy? I am not sure about the sneezing thing but I will ask @WVduckchick
If your little one is by herself and you are unsure about what your success rate is going to be with the other eggs, you might consider getting her a companion. I know, going out and buying a chick when you are hatching some seems a little ridiculous but they do not like to be alone. Is she warm enough in the brooder? Is she really noisy? I am not sure about the sneezing thing but I will ask @WVduckchick
We are keeping the warmest part of the brooder between 90-95. I’m sure she warm, she peeps when she’s awake! I’ve never had any chicks before so I’m not sure. If none of the other hatch I’ll go buy another chick.
Yes I highly suggest buying her a friend the same age if none of the others hatch. I once raised a chick by itself and it was an absolute nightmare. So much easier to raise 2 chick then 1 and it's almost cruel to keep them alone because they get very lonely

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