When will my rhode island reds start laying?

Not having fully developed the comb/wattles may (or may not) be related a lower amount of protein in the birds diet. Protein is the building blocks of ALL tissues in the body, including the skin, which the comb is. This is why I have chosen to feed starter feed to my girls for life (20-24% protein) instead of grower or layer feed which is typically 16-18% protein levels. In growing birds the higher protein will help in all areas of growth, maturing them more completely and possibly a bit sooner. This is also done by many BYC'ers with good success. Chicks can be raised on nothing other than starter feed thru the entire life cycle if desired, with no ill affects. I have also heard that high protein helps to shorten molt times as the birds replace feathers. You may try it and find no difference, but I am sold on its benefits. Good luck!
Thank you for the suggestion. I was concerned they might not be getting enough protein; and after having put them on layer food at 22 weeks, I switched them back to grower at 25 weeks due ot its higher protein content. I have half a 25-pound bag of chick starter sitting here, but it is medicated & I have hens that are laying (everybody eats from the same feeders). From everything I have been told, you cannot eat the eggs of chickens who are eating medicated feed. Is that a falsehood? If it is, I'd be more than happy to use up the rest of this chick starter and feed it to my girls.

I could switch to a non-medicated starter food. Can you recommend a brand/source? I would really appreciate that.

My girls get lots of yummy treats & I try to give them at least one protein treat a day. They also have sunflower seeds available whenever they want them.

Of note, in the last week, EVERYBODY'S face has gotten REALLY red, and the RIR and BR have teeeeeeny itsy bitsy startings of their combs and wattles.... so maybe soon!
Feeding alot of treats can cut back on egg production. Only feed a good layer, after they are grown. Feed ,water, and 16 hrs of light, sure way to have them laying within about 2 weeks.
I'm waiting too! My girls will be 21 week on Monday (today is Friday) and I am awaiting egg song and eggs. It is almost as bad as waiting to go into labour myself!
I have 3 RIR'S there singing the egg song it's been 3 days after the song are they too young. I also have 3 buff orpingtons when do they lay?
I have a RIR hen with pink comb and wattles. Sooo close to laying I guess! My adopted rooster, 1 month younger than the hen started crowing a few days ago! I can't wait for eggs. Hope it's fertile so I can hatch them during spring and summer season
is 16 weeks to young they started singing the eegg song 4 days ago but no eggs yet

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