When will she start laying again?


5 Years
May 16, 2014
Finger Lakes, NY
I brought 2 bantam cochins into my flock last August. They were both laying well, they were born last spring. One of the new littles was broody when I took her in. A few of my flock gave them a rough time for awhile. They are still lowest in peck order. Anyhow, she stopped laying in late September, and still hasn't restarted. The other one layed the whole time and just now started a small molt and quit laying. I got them to be broodies for me. I understand they can quit laying for awhile after being moved, but this is a pretty long time. Any ideas on whats up with her?
Mine did this,they were born fairl late in year though (Probably about late September or fairly middle of October),Started laying prob March,sometime during spring.Quit as we came into fall,molted and etc and started back spring,give them some time,I would guess they would stay pretty soon.
We’re they young last year?
Do you free range...hidden nests maybe?
Do you use supplemental lighting?
Some are just not prolific layers, not sure about bantam cochins.
I semi free range. They have 1.5 acres fenced in and I let them out of that too sometimes. But with all the snow, the little ones haven't left their enclosed run.

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