When you candle an egg, is there stuff on just one side of the egg?


10 Years
Aug 3, 2009
I have nine eggs and everyone I tried to look at so far appears to have a shading appearance or a darker appearance on just one side of the egg. Eggs have been in for eight days.
I just candled some and I could see right thru both ends of the egg...and they are on about day 16-17. I also couldn't see any movement. Had DH open it up to see what is going on...and there was a live chick...I am so distraught...I saw it take its last breath.
I figured since they were so far along, that it would have been full.. I have never seen this before...I will NEVER do that again.
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I looked at that site, I still don't know if it's good or bad. How long until it explodes? I see the dot in the middle of the egg and some dark shading....I want to keep it but don't want it to explode.
Are you in a completly dark room when you candle? I can see the embryos moving in mine. You can try tilting the egg a bit too so the 'dot' is against the side of the egg. It may make it easier to see movement.

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