When you candle an egg, is there stuff on just one side of the egg?

since the egg is now on 8th days, you must have vein on it, if not then something is wrong inside.

if you not see any vein then you should throw it or if you can't see any vein because of too dark eggs, wait 2-3 days and candle again, no vein more? see if eggs were developing, if not then you should tossed them. no need to put useless and undeveloped egg inside bator, they only *eat* space inside that you can put another solid thing like stone to make the bator work better.
If you aren't sure leave it in until day 14 or so, if it looks the same/unchanged toss it out or if it smells, toss it out.

Here are some of mine, please forgive my camera, the macro function really doesn't like the dark and I've had to enhance some of the shots to make them clearer. My mutt eggs are peachy pink color and the ee eggs are blue/green

Mutt egg #2, you can see some very slight veining at the top of the egg in this shot

Mutt egg #3
This is a splotchy egg but you can see a bit of a blob near the top, there was a moving embryo in this one and veining that the camera didn't pick up, as long as there is movement I'm not tossing it, don't care what the rules say

Mutt egg #4, embryo in top left of egg, veining hard to spot on this one but still there

Mutt egg #5, this one was candled from a different angle to try and catch the veining for the camera, you can just barely see it in the middle there

EE egg #2 Hard to get this good of a shot but I managed somehow! Visible veining

EE egg #3 hard to tell in the pic but there are some veins in it

EE #4 another with veins

EE #5, great shot of the air cell and the veins under it to the right

EE #6, hard to see through but there is veins I promise

EE #7 embryo visible in center, it moved twice while candling, almost didn't see the movement though

EE #8 Embryo is the dark spot kinda in the middle top

Pic on #10 didn't show at all because my camera just crapped out on me when I hit the button. Hope this helped a bit!
If it doesnt stink and its not weeping - DONT TOSS IT!
It will forever be on my conscience that I threw away eggs on accident that held innocent babies in them. The only way I knew is that my dad wanted to see what was inside of them and he told me that they all had ducklings in them .

So dont toss them. Dont give up and keep trying. Right now I have nothing strong enough to see veins but thats ok, Cus If it dont stink and it dont Weep it still has a chance.
Try too but money has been tight the last few years. Hoping to be home for July 4th week of 2010 and hoping to make that an annual trip from there on out. If you know of any Whites or Chandlers they're my relatives

Last time I was home it was soooo different from when I lived there, there's a Walmart, Home Depot, Whattabuger out in what used to be a big clay field and trailer park, not 2 miles from the house! We used to have to drive into Milton to the tiny Walmart or TG&Y, or into Pensacola for a Whattaburger. Things have really changed!
I want to add a couple of obvious points, but to the first timer may be helpful:
1. Get a small L.E.D. flashlight. About 4 or 5 dollars at Walgreens, or Big Lots, whatever you have by you. They are REALLY BRIGHT and cool lights. Perfect. Lights eggs up like a Christmas tree.
2. Hold the flashlight up to the LARGE end of the egg while holding the egg sideways. Or lay the egg down on a towel in your dark bathroom on the counter.
I use a box with a hole cut out and one of those million candle watt lights. There have been times that I didn't seen veins and some I wasn't sure about. I only candle twice, once at around day 8 and then again on day 18.

If it doesn't stink, I don't toss. I have never thrown out an egg when in doubt. If it looks like a store bought egg when candled, then I throw it out.

Good luck ladies!
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that "stuff" on one side I was referring to was the chick...lol.

I now know I couldn't see inside well because the egg was brown. I did have one chick hatch on Thursday and the other was alive midday yesterday but I do think it has passed, I will keep it until Monday just to be sure.

Baby chick Dusty is about two days old. Her parents are a Buff Orp, Musty and a RIR, Rusty.

Since Dusty was going to be alone I decided to go to the feed store today and get her some playmates. I got a Black Sex Link and a EE. Dusty is only two days old and these other chicks are four days old. She quickly let them know who was boss, which is kind of funny because she is smaller then them. So, I am betting already and I could definately be wrong, that my "she" could be a he.

Thanks for the help.

I do have two more eggs on and they are a light tannish color, so I can definately see veining going on, which I could not see with my other eggs.

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