Where do we get fertile eggs or chickens on the Big Island, Hawaii


May 6, 2018
Waiohinu, Big Island, Hawai'i
Aloha, we want to start raising a few (12 or less I'm thinking now) chickens in June. We'll be living near South Point, on the Big Island, Hawai'i. We are newbies to chickens, and would like to find a local source to get some birds to start a flock. Does anyone on here sell fertile eggs (we can get an incubator), or sell hatchlings or adult birds? Not sure what breeds we'd like to have - just learning now, so we're open to suggestions! Mahalo!
There is sure to be a local source. When we went for a visit, roosters and chickens just roamed around in town. ;)
Have you tried craigslist? Or even the state thread here on byc?
There are chickens everywhere here! Sort of like the Florida Keys were I moved from. So maybe I don't need an incubator, or to buy some chickens, maybe just a big throw net will do? :) . Yesterday I was looking at a post that was maybe the Hawai'i state thread - but tonight I can 't find the state threads! Also, it seemed like I found 2 or 3 post that were Hawai'i there. I'll look again, as my CRS disease is getting worse.
Thanks Soon2B! I did some more searching and found the Hawai'i State Thread. I think I posted there - no replies yet. But I'll keep checking... maybe get my bait cast net out on the side of the road and go catch some!
Del's in Hilo has chicks for sale one month a year, they're done for this year. You can check Craigslist, there's a bunch for sale in the farm section. I will PM you a phone number you cal call, I know she has a bunch.
I have a male white silkie to fertilize eggs for you. I could provide eggs that are from Frizzled Cochin and silkies male. Maybe even polish hen with a silkies male. My silkie female isn't ready to lay yet. I am new to back yard chickens although I've been stalking posts for now nearing a year. I stay in Kurtis town. I know a woman named Candi living in orchidland who has chickens coming out of her ears.
Thanks StrangestarChickens. I found a neighbor here in Waiohinu who has a lot of chickens. We are going to get some chickens from them. They have some 3 year old hens - I think we'll start with some of them. They are a mixed breed - I think Golden Comet mostly. We'd like some Easter Eggers and Ameraucanas if we could find them.
Well, if you ever want some fluffbuts let me know! I have some ameraucana mix breeds that I let free run. They are teenagers right now and I suspect 5/6 of them are roosters. Good thing I don't mid crowing!

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