Where do you purchase your chickens?

Sooooo having kept birds for a loooong time my advice is:

Do not buy from an auction/swap setting. You are likely ending up with birds that are old, sickly and full of parasites.

Do buy chicks from a reputable source. Hatcheries are by far the safest way to get healthy birds of the breed and sex you want to get. Choose a hatchery that is close to you not clear across the country. Order in spring when shipping temperature won't be super cold or super hot.

If you want to buy from a farm store shop around. TSC is likely not the only one in your area. The farm store I choose when I want just a few birds actually has a rooster take back guarantee.
I don't know if I dare ask... how do you get on that mailing list?

OP, I got my chicks last spring from TSC. I'm thinking of getting a couple more next spring. Depending on if I get one of those catalogs...
Go to the hatchery website and theres usually a spot somewhere easy to find that has where you can sign uo for mailing lists
I get my birds from TSC, who get their birds from a hatchery. In this area of the country, that's Hoover. Our local Ace Hardware also gets birds, more expensive, unknown hatchery, appear to be similar quality. We also have Rural King, whom I understand uses Cackle for their supplier, I just need to drive across state lines to buy from them (not a problem, just a difference between FL and AL in terms of who dominates the farm store market in the area).

Regarding Hoover's birds, they are adequate. Won't win any awards. In no way superior examples of the breed - in fact, what they sell lots of aren't breeds at all, but rather brand names they've put on their own, effectively, landraces of mixed chicks. TSC itself does little to train employees, and the employees in my area do little on their own to learn. Add the involvement of the USPS, and you have a buying experience NOTORIOUS for misidentifying birds. But if you want Comets, or CornishX, or Pekin Ducks, they are cheap, readily available, and will provide meet or eggs as expected.

In fact, I have one of their CornishX hens, laying eggs right now, at 11.3# and 36+ weeks of age. She was light at culling age, I'm hoping to get some chicks out of her to mix with others. I've a "project" going, search for "Lemonade". Three of their Comets have been very reliable layers, and now mass out at 4.9#, similar age - that's heavy for a Comet, and they seem healthy, happy.

If your plan is to breed or show, I would not recommend sourcing there. Eating? Fine choice for small flocks.

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