Where have all the good sellers gone????

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So if the P.O never get's any better at the way they handle their business, then the seller will be supplying you with free egg's till the cows come home. That's not fair either, I think their are way too many varriables when dealing with shipped egg's and having the seller be responsible for most of that is just plain wrong. You don't treat shoddy products made in china and sold at walmart that break as soon as they come out of the box in the same way, you just go and buy another one. Why do egg sellers have to catch all the bad rap, when buyers are just looking for a free ride most of the time, that is why most sellers now require pic's of damaged in transit eggs before offering more eggs or a refund, lot's of buyer fraud out there as well.
Wow, did I say all buyers? No. And there is the attitude I'm talking about. Buyers looking for a free ride. Nope. Buyers who fix THEIR mistakes? Yup. There are a lot of great sellers out there and I have my little list of ones I'll buy from but there are some shoddy ones as well. The ones who only care about the money.
It is no up to the seller to determine whether the PO will see it or not. Some POs, like mine, actually do pay attention and if a buyer asks for it to be done, then it should be done. It's being asked for a reason. I understand Katy, as a seller you're going to take up for sellers but buyer requests should be listen to and adhered to. I know my PO so I feel safe asking for my packages to be marked.

I've bought many, many more eggs than I've sold over time so I probably should be classified as a buyer more than a seller.

I've had crappy hatches many times.....the packages took too long or got lost....they weren't wrapped very well or they just got kicked around to much on their way here.

I've had everything from 0 out of 18 develop to 11 out of 13 hatch. It is just the luck of the draw, but even on the poorest of hatches I've known that was a risk I took and never requested the seller replace the eggs. I have asked to buy replacements a couple of times and they've sent them for the shipping cost or 1/2 price. On the ones that offered to send them for shipping only, I have always included something extra for the eggs. I know those hens don't eat for free.
I have done both - gotten shipped eggs and shipped eggs. Honest it is a real hassle - no matter which end you are on.

Getting - you hope that the PO treats the box with a bit of care and that nothing is frozen or over heated or gets lost. You hope that the eggs shipped are fresh - to give them the best chance. You hope the flock who produced the eggs has had a good diet, so fertility is good and the chick who develops will be strong enough to actually develop. Then you wait for the first 10 day candle. *sigh* My best shipped egg hatch has been 4 out of 24. My worst............0 out of 30 and I tried it twice.

Shipping - you hope your birds continue to lay so you fill your order with fresh eggs. You spend more than an hour, candling each egg and carefully wrapping it; nestle it in a well padded box and then rebox the box (at least I do). You hope the buyer has sent you the correct address, and many times - even after asking - you never get a phone number to put on the package. You hope the PO treats the box well and nothing freezes, over heats or gets lost. You hope when the eggs arrive, your buyer knows what to do with them - let them rest, already have the bator up/running/ready to go, turns them properly, has no power failure, knows what the humidity requirements are for their area (each place is different). You hope the buyer hatches a nice clutch with healthy chicks.

The best thing I have found for me is to question, question, question. What does the seller do when a box is lost? damaged? I also like to tell the seller what I will do (have the box held, let them know when it arrives and how the eggs look, let them know what the ten day candle looks like, what the 18 day candle looks like, how many chicks hatched - even if they are interested, how many cockerels/pullets and how they are growing)

IMO sellers should learn to work with buyers when it is neither's fault for a PO mistake. That's how I plan to be. So, what will you do when the PO mis-ships the box to the wrong address and the buyer insists that you the seller should reship another box of eggs at your expense? Or the PO has crushed the box, darn near flat and all eggs are crushed? As the seller are you willing to pick up the shipping cost for the new box of eggs? Many - not all - but many buyers refuse to even pay shipping for replacement eggs.
I have done both - gotten shipped eggs and shipped eggs. Honest it is a real hassle - no matter which end you are on.

Getting - you hope that the PO treats the box with a bit of care and that nothing is frozen or over heated or gets lost. You hope that the eggs shipped are fresh - to give them the best chance. You hope the flock who produced the eggs has had a good diet, so fertility is good and the chick who develops will be strong enough to actually develop. Then you wait for the first 10 day candle. *sigh* My best shipped egg hatch has been 4 out of 24. My worst............0 out of 30 and I tried it twice.

Shipping - you hope your birds continue to lay so you fill your order with fresh eggs. You spend more than an hour, candling each egg and carefully wrapping it; nestle it in a well padded box and then rebox the box (at least I do). You hope the buyer has sent you the correct address, and many times - even after asking - you never get a phone number to put on the package. You hope the PO treats the box well and nothing freezes, over heats or gets lost. You hope when the eggs arrive, your buyer knows what to do with them - let them rest, already have the bator up/running/ready to go, turns them properly, has no power failure, knows what the humidity requirements are for their area (each place is different). You hope the buyer hatches a nice clutch with healthy chicks.

The best thing I have found for me is to question, question, question. What does the seller do when a box is lost? damaged? I also like to tell the seller what I will do (have the box held, let them know when it arrives and how the eggs look, let them know what the ten day candle looks like, what the 18 day candle looks like, how many chicks hatched - even if they are interested, how many cockerels/pullets and how they are growing)

IMO sellers should learn to work with buyers when it is neither's fault for a PO mistake. That's how I plan to be. So, what will you do when the PO mis-ships the box to the wrong address and the buyer insists that you the seller should reship another box of eggs at your expense? Or the PO has crushed the box, darn near flat and all eggs are crushed? As the seller are you willing to pick up the shipping cost for the new box of eggs? Many - not all - but many buyers refuse to even pay shipping for replacement eggs.

I would have no problem shipping more eggs if the buyer is willing to pay for shipping. To me, that is working with the buyer. Neither side is totally losing out.
Ok...now that I've picked myself up off the floor from falling down laughing over that remark.......The amount of people who make any profit from selling hatching eggs is so little that they're almost non-existant. What I do get doesn't even cover the feed bill let alone any other expenses.

The only reason I've ever sold any eggs is because people would contact me wanting to buy eggs from my birds. I don't have and never have had them to make any money off of. They still contact me for eggs, but at this point I'm pretty sure I'm done with shipping eggs.
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Ok...now that I've picked myself up off the floor from falling down laughing over that remark.......The amount of people who make any profit from selling hatching eggs is so little that they're almost non-existant. What I do get doesn't even cover the feed bill let alone any other expenses.

The only reason I've ever sold any eggs is because people would contact me wanting to buy eggs from my birds. I don't have and never have had them to make any money off of. They still contact me for eggs, but at this point I'm pretty sure I'm done with shipping eggs.

Good for you Katy.............. I quit selling eggs long ago for all of the above mentioned reasons, now I only ship live adult birds and most of my customers are Show breeder types as they are the only chicken folks willing to pay even a fraction of the cost of producing good quality birds as backyard folks just want cheap hatchery stock and that's how they compare cost. I prefer to deal with the Pro's they are much easier to get along with and they aren't cheapskates LOL.
I don't understand why you don't get them shipped to the post office address , then they would have to call you to pick up. I supply my po with lots of my business cards and they know I am getting eggs, so they drive into my driveway and blow the horn. We live in a very rural area, and they don't carry a lot of mail so I am happy having them deliver, saves me a trip.;-)
Yes that is working with the buyer. But what will you do when the buyer refuses to pay the shipping?? Then they file a complaint against you with whomever (ebay, paypal, cc company). There are many buyers like this.........thus why many "good sellers" have stopped selling/shipping hatching eggs.

Just something to think about before you start selling.
The only thing I can agree with as far as anything being the shippers fault is if you request a phone number on the box so you can pick up and they don't put it on there, or if they put the wrong address on the box.

If you request that the phone number be put on the box so you can pick it up and it isn't and then you recieve a tore up/crushed box of eggs then I think the seller does have some responsibility for that. Of course there's always the posibility that the damage was done before it was recieved by the carrier but no one will ever know. But I would think that if I were the seller and the eggs were damaged, possibly from something that could have been avoided if I had done was was requested, then yes I would replace the eggs. That is part of customer service, the number should've been put on the box.

As far as if the box is lost in the mail, that is beyond the seller or the buyers control. I would not expect the seller to replace the eggs. Now if the seller does decide to replace them out of pure courtesy that is an A+++++ x one million for them and that would be a huge hint to buy from them again.

If you get the eggs and they are simply stuck in a carton in a box and obviously no attempt was made to insure their safety then yes this is a problem and you have every right to complain, but unless you asked the seller how they packaged the eggs before you bought from them, and then the eggs are not packaged how they described, there's nothing you can do. You should've found out about their packing process.

Other than that, the seller is not responsible. I'm not saying that the buyer is responsible either, just that you can't blame the seller.
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