Where is everyone???

Slow? Lonely? Really?

A few stats over the past week:

We've usually got about 100 members and 200 guest online during the day
29.8 new members per day
174.7 new topics per day
2,299.7 new posts per day

I'd hardly call that slow... I call that BYC Forum record breaking!

Are you looking for specific people? Members come and go, but as a whole BYC is doing super well, and that's thanks to wonderful members and a great staff!
I've been away for six days, nowhere near a computer, and now I feel hopelessly left behind at BYC. I knew that would happen!

Southern, I like your new avatar. Does your dog Bear know you've changed it? We won't tell him if you don't.
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I would have to agree with Nifty-Chicken..... to me it has been very busy.

I have been having a hard time keeping up. I changed to see 100 threads at a time and usually have three pages worth! I read through them then mark all as read ... come back 10 minutes later and there are a ton of posts. I haven't even been able to read every one. I find myself skimming. It's almost too busy!..... ( but a forum can't be too busy!)
No he doesn't know. Shhhhhh! It's a secret. Let's just let him enjoy his egg thinking he's still my avatar, what he doesn't know won't hurt him.

I am still here!!! I hurt my shoulder shovelling all that snow that got dumped on us on the week-end, so I couldn't be on here. I was waaaaaaaaaaaaay to grouchy. You wouldn't like me when I'm grouchy!!! LOL!!!

Plus I have been puppy hunting!!! That is so much fun!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
I know! Spoiled rotten too. He's a shepherd/husky mix, I think he's about 3 or 4, I got him from my brother so I don't know his birthday.



Looks like he likes the snow.....I have been outside today...beautiful out. I had to clean out the new baby ducks pen.Boy are they messy!! Way more than chickens......they are now outside in the sun.

We are going to expand our garden this year too. I want to try lots of things that I have never tried before.....corn, potatoes, onions, strawberries.....yum

I just hope the sun is here to stay....I am tired of being cold

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