Where Is The Best Place To Live In The USA?

This is classifieds out of the Logan Daily News

about an hour Southeast of Columbus

1 Perry County! N of Logan Beautiful 4 ac. to 25 ac. lots 4.5 mi. south of Junction City off SR 668! 12 mi. N of Logan, 15 mi. E of Lancaster. Meadows, Woods, Ravines, Public Water. New Lex Schls. No mobiles/dblwides. OBBC Mods OK. Starting at $24,900. Bank fin. Avail. Go to website or call for marketing package. Four Seasons Land Company (800) 815-LAND (5263) www.FourSeasonsLandCo.com
2 5 Acres .25mi. from Lake Logan. Beautiful scenery. 2 mi. from U.S. 33 at 664 exit. Blosser Rd. $59,000 Call 614-378-8701
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In Central Texas, on the 15th of Sept it is 92 F. It will cool off in Oct. I hate Texas in September; however, come February whe every one in my family is under three feet of snow I stand in my 70 degree backyard and declare "God I love Texas"
i did know that
I want to live where Cynthia lives. It sounds WONDERFUL! I have to say I love Arkansas. Yes we do have hot humid summers and no we don't have any coastlines. But I think we are some pretty nice people (most of us) Land goes from one range to another depending where in AR you live.

With your budget, if you look in the vicinity of Tompkins County NY you could find a number of fantastic options - I'd recommend Ithaca, Trumansburg or Dryden myself. If you like rural living but with more cosmopolitan options, Cornell University draws a LOT of "bigger city perks" to what is otherwise a very small town.

It's a great multicultural community, with a lot of neat opportunities.

I happen to live in the area myself and LOVE IT! I had never actually meant to settle here, and yet, here we are on 9 acres, with a great house (for well under 4k) and I'm not planning on leaving for a long while...

Check out the Finger Lakes region of NY (Ithaca, Syracuse, Binghamton), because with less than 400k you could get a *very* nice home on a number of acres near a major University, but without
Check the COOP pages - there are some DANG nice places there - and you'll have eggs!

Seriously some of the coops are better than my house!
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i live in CT, and i would highly suggest NH, VT or even Maine. a much nicer way of life up yonder.

here in CT the taxes are wicked high, for $400 G's you can't really buy much ~ land is very expensive. same with MA.

most houses around here are built with lumbar/wood. i thought that was because it's our most abundant building material though?
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My vote is for Maine. Beautiful coasts and woodlands. Still very rural. I guess it could get a little chilly in winter. I don't know what kind of climate your looking for. But you said coast and woodlands. It's a very wonderful place. I spend every July there.

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