Where to buy chicken feed near Great Barrington, MA???


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 4, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
I'm up visiting my in-laws in the Berkshires and was wondering if there were any places to buy chicken feed nearby. I thought I would try something other than Agway. My chickens seem to be having egg shell problems since I started their organic layer pellets. It might be totally unrelated to the new feed, but I wanted to try something different.

Thank you!
Was that meant to be helpful or nasty? Of course I tried Google. Nothing helpful came up and I thought that I would use the normally very helpful people on this list to recommend a good place.

There are a lot of great organic farms in the Berkshires and not all of them have a web presence.
That was definitely NOT meant to be nasty. She's one of the smartest peope on here and no doubt meant to be helpful. Calm down!

Great Barrington has a very nice old fashioned hardware store downtown and I am sure they have feed. Don't know if it will be organic, tho, if that's what you re looking for.

I'm thinking Egremont or another of thos esummer-peoplebu countryish towns ought to have something. There is no doubt an Agway distributor or two out of somebody's barns or such - nothing under 'feed' or 'farm' in the yellow pages?
I'm calm. I promise. And I definitely *love* this group of people. Sometimes misunderstandings happen when you aren't talking face to face and can't express tone of voice. Gah!

Anyhow, I was trying to find an alternative to Agway feed. I noticed that one of my hens started to have problems with her eggs after I started using Agway feed. It is probably a total coincidence, but I wanted to try a different feed just to rule out the Agway=soft egg shells variable. I supplement with oyster shells, so it's most likely a genetic thing...

My in-laws mentioned a huge farm store in Pittsfield, which I think I will try. I was just thinking that some of these nice small farms might sell their own grain mixture.

Anyhoo, I bought Agway regular layer mash instead of the pellets just because I couldn't face my girls empty handed. So the saga will go on a bit longer.

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