Where to find raptor birdcalls?


15 Years
Apr 20, 2007
Benton Twp., Michigan
When I came home this afternoon, I heard a strange birdcall [a high-pitched "EEuh", but not like the hawk cry movie producers always use, "EEEer"]

I know it was a raptor, its attitude while perching gave that away, but in the fading light, I couldn't make out its coloring. From the size, I thought it might be a Cooper's. Does anyone know of a site that has birdcalls? Maybe I can figure it out that way.

The @#$% killed one of my older hens, a BO named Daisy. Chased her right into the field shelter (a truck topper, aka "the clubhouse") and ate her neck down to the bone. Also tore some skin from her breast.

Q2: will shiny things like CDs really keep birds of prey away?
Thanks, that was a great link! I think I've solved the mystery; the killer appears to be a red-shouldered hawk. I do have one other Q: why didn't it show up on my search of "hawks and eagles, Great Lakes"? Is this not part of their regular habitat? From what I've read, here and elsewhere, I thought it was.

I'll have to explore that link more thoroughly another time; it was driving my dog crazy!
Hello frankenchick! (what a great username)

So sorry about the loss of your BO hen.

Do concentrate your efforts towards prevention- harming a raptor carries a rather stiff Federal penalty. Shiny, reflective items like CDs and pie pans will help, but the best bet is to keep them in a covered run- even just string or cord run back and forth over the top will work, anything the raptors don't want to get stuck in.

Good luck- I can't free range unless I am literally standing there any more- a pain, but worth it.
Hey keep reading up, you more than likely have a red-tailed, red-shouldered hawks are much smaller and probably had a hard time takin down a BO if she was full grown. Red tailed hawks however are bigger, bulkier and will take full grown chickens with ease. Sorry to hear you are having problems with them, just be sure and get the rest protected as it will be back when it's hungry again. Good luck!
I was in the hot tub yesterday and a hawk came SO close to where I was. Swooped twice. I'm in a nearly all glass building, with a tinted poly roof, see through. All I could think was...can he just see my head? LOL Scared me half to death!
sommrluv ~ Yikes! Glad your hot tub was enclosed . . . I imagine a hawk could really deeply part your hair.

Thanks, everyone, for the feedback. I listened again at eNature.com; it was definitely a red-shouldered hawk I heard. As I mentioned, I've never heard that call before. Could two of them take down a BO? When I returned to the trees where I orig. heard the call, something went crashing along through the upper branches. A mate, perhaps? I'm hoping they just stopped for a bite on their way somewhere else.

I'm going now to the store to buy fishing line so I can string up some CDs. It's the best I can do for now. I used to let the dog out in the chicken yard (she hates hawks), but lately she's been chasing the chickens.
My son is a huge fan of falconry and as such we take time to observe the birds of prey in the area. We have a frequent visitor a red tailed red shouldered florida hawk, very bold young female who at one point flew over and sat on the top of my coop - all my girls ran upstairs into the top of the coop and this hawk had the nerve to peek in at them through an airvent hole. She comes around from time to time for a looksee. I had never see one land on the ground and be that curious - she was probably trying to figure how she could get to them. I try to keep an eye on her. She is really big.

My son (17) Collin suggests that the bird that took your Daisy might also have been a Northern Goshawk from the Sibley guide to birds pg 113. Or a roughlegged hawk same book pg 125 both would be big enough to carry off your chicken and lives in your state.

My son wants to do the whole registered falconing training thing and catch one after he apprentices - I plan for him to go to college so we shall see. I am not keen on him keeping a hawk anywhere near my chickees.


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