which beeds make best pets for children? (other than silkies)

really? all your silver laced wyandottes are unfriendly? Are they as beautiful as you expected? What about golden laced wyandottes? Any friendlier?
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My 4 yr old daughter is best friends with my barred rocks. But her little whiter slikie is the most friendlyist. But I would keep one of each, as chickens are like people they come in diffrent timperments. Good luck
Having a 3 year old daughter myself, I would go with the Australorp and the Barred Rocks. Any of those breeds will winter well, I've just found Wyandottes to be a bit high strung. My Aussie is my favorite laying hen (don't tell the other birds) and I loved every BR I've ever had. I would also add some Cochins to the mix, they are just so gentle and sweet.
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While I have been eagerly looking for Australorps due to their apparent temperment... as well as Cochins...
we were recently given 5 Barred Rocks and 5 partrige rocks. They were not handled much before, and were skittish--
but the very next day, the barred rocks were allready letting us pick them up and pet them... they are now spoiled rotten after only 10 days!! (The Partrige Rocks are still skittish!)

I definately vote for the Rocks!
I like my barred rock the best of my 13 chickens. She's a sweetie.

My silver laced wyandottes are not as pretty as I expected, but are nice. My golden laced wyandotte is the prettiest of all my chickens and is also a nice girl.

If it was my choice I would go with austolorp, glw, and 1 or 2 br.

Also your child might be worried at first that the chicks don't like him/her because they run away when he/she picks them up. As they get older they'll get more used to being handled (and associate you with treats/food) and should be much friendlier.
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Lucky is our barred rock and she is great with the kids, also if you ever get the chance Easter Egger's are also good with kids(so far). Lucky tonight stole my daughter's half of a cookie right out of her hand! It was so funny the look on her face and our hen's!
I have 2 Gold Comets that are very sweet and love to talk and come when called, so does one of my Buff Orps, she is my favorite of all our chickens, these 3 chickens love to be held and just relax in your arms, we even had a 3 yr old child from the city out and he was totally hanging on those girls and they just settled right in with him holding them.
I am sorry , I didn't read the entire OP post, I have 4 silver laced Wyandottes, and I don't think they are the friendliest birds ever, I got them because they are supposed to be gentle and docile ( according to what I read) and I don't want my 10 yr old son to be afraid of the chickens. I have seen too many horror stories about kids getting chased by grandma's chickens while growing up. Good luck with whatever you choose!

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