Which Breed Shall I Hatch?

Hello again all👋🙂
I'm in the process of looking for some new chickens to add to my flock.

I will be hatching them out and will buy the eggs from eBay.
The hens will be used for eggs.

What breed would y'all suggest?

It's a really hard decision as there's so many to choose from.
In the past I've just gone for hybrids which are good layers, but this time I'm thinking of trying some pure breeds.

What do you think?:)
My flock includes white leghorn, rhode island reds, barred rocks and easter eggers. I love the multitude of egg colors. Good luck choosing. It is so hard.
For good egg production definitely go with the Leghorn. Theyre suppose to lay about 280 eggs per year. I also bought some California Whites. Theyre a lil bigger than the Leghorn and are suppose to lay 300 eggs a year. Mine should start laying this month. I also have a Rhode Island Red that's a good brown egg producer but I really dont like them cause theyre mean. Probably why I only have one left. Oh, and my Sexlinks have turned out to be good egg producers, as well. Then I have what I call the 'pretty birds', a couple of Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Barred Rocks but theyre not very good egg producers, at least not for me but the wife likes them. :)
Hello again all👋🙂
I'm in the process of looking for some new chickens to add to my flock.

I will be hatching them out and will buy the eggs from eBay.
The hens will be used for eggs.

What breed would y'all suggest?

It's a really hard decision as there's so many to choose from.
In the past I've just gone for hybrids which are good layers, but this time I'm thinking of trying some pure breeds.

What do you think?:)

I love my mixed flock of birds and all for different reasons! I love my Dominique's because of their curiosity and intelligence. My Seramas are the sweetest most gentle little ones. The Silkies are also super sweet and great for hatching eggs which one will hatch 6 babies next week 😍 The Easter Eggers are also very sweet, flighty like my Seramas so they like high perches but also beautiful and my rooster is a total gentleman. We also have Duccle's which are pretty cool with their feathered feet and for their small size pack a punch for personality! Our new addition of Black Sex Links have surprised us because they are so much like our Dominique's in personality and are amazing layers like our Easter Eggers even in our Florida winter! There are so many birds to choose from, just make sure they are good for your area/temps/set up and have fun adding new ladies!! 😊😊
I've never kept a cockerel. Is it advisable?
I guess I'll end up hatching a few
We've had several roosters over the years. First one was a Silkie and he was as mean as a hornet! Would chase everyone out of the yard if you approached. My husband is the rooster whisperer and he never bothered the hubby, me and the kids total different story. That rooster went to the rainbow bridge last year and we have 4 roosters now, 1 intentionally and the others accidental. 2 are Silkie, 1 is an EE and the other is a Serama and all of them are beyond sweet, respectful, hardly crow at all, good to the ladies, don't over mate them and are great at spotting areal predators which is why we have them. Do research about having roosters and how to handle them. Their job is to pro create and guard their territory and ladies. It's as much about breed as it is about individual personality. I personally love them but my neighbor down the road has 2 Leghorns and they fight her all the time but have defended their flock from coyotes and hawks and have only lost a couple hens and both have survived each fight. And those boys are SUPER LOUD when they crow and mine are only a fraction of their noise level.

I promise you will love them. Joy has formed so much of my love for chickens, and she’s like my best friend in the flock. She loves people, and is always leaving you with a funny story to tell.

She’s a sweetie, and despite only having owned 4 of the breed, I am in love. They’re beautiful, and my current SS always runs up to me when I walk into the coop. She doesn’t flinch or run away when you pick her up either. Of course some of this is from the years of bonding, but I can remember even as a little one, she and my other SSs weren’t skittish. Aside from that, she was a good layer (retired now) I had an egg from her almost every day, you will definitely be happy with production. Please Please consider this breed, I cant say enough about them!
Hello again all👋🙂
I'm in the process of looking for some new chickens to add to my flock.

I will be hatching them out and will buy the eggs from eBay.
The hens will be used for eggs.

What breed would y'all suggest?

It's a really hard decision as there's so many to choose from.
In the past I've just gone for hybrids which are good layers, but this time I'm thinking of trying some pure breeds.

What do you think?:)
Oh no Ebay? I spent over 1,000 trying to hatch eggs from there! Out of all the eggs I tried I got 4 chicks, and there some of the most expensive chicks I have ever had......I tried turkeys and peacocks too. OMG no chicks but 4. Good luck if you do that! I will purchase from online hatchery next time!
SPECKLED SUSSEX YOU WILL LOVE THEM I JUST KNOW IT!View attachment 2446542View attachment 2446543View attachment 2446544View attachment 2446545View attachment 2446547View attachment 2446549View attachment 2446551View attachment 2446555
I promise you will love them. Joy has formed so much of my love for chickens, and she’s like my best friend in the flock. She loves people, and is always leaving you with a funny story to tell.

She’s a sweetie, and despite only having owned 4 of the breed, I am in love. They’re beautiful, and my current SS always runs up to me when I walk into the coop. She doesn’t flinch or run away when you pick her up either. Of course some of this is from the years of bonding, but I can remember even as a little one, she and my other SSs weren’t skittish. Aside from that, she was a good layer (retired now) I had an egg from her almost every day, you will definitely be happy with production. Please Please consider this breed, I cant say enough about them!
Those chickens are beautiful! But I love the colored eggs layers! I may try to mix. I tried hatching Swedish Flower chickens from ebay but I only got 2 out of 40 eggs? I give up!
Oh no Ebay? I spent over 1,000 trying to hatch eggs from there! Out of all the eggs I tried I got 4 chicks, and there some of the most expensive chicks I have ever had......I tried turkeys and peacocks too. OMG no chicks but 4. Good luck if you do that! I will purchase from online hatchery next time!
I've always had great results from buying off of eBay.
I think it's all down to the way they're packaged.
I'm from uk so most would only be traveling for a day at the most

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