Which Breed Should I get


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 14, 2009
I plan on getting 6 or so birds, and was wondering what breed is the best fit for my situation. I live in the suburbs of Northeastern New Jersey, and need a bird that can handle both cold and warm temperature, but I need a hardy and excellent egg layer that is quiet as well, being that my neighbors are close by. So I was wondering if anyone had any Suggestions. I was thinking Plymouth Rocks, RIR's, and Black or Red Stars. Also if anyone knows any day old chick sellers in the North Jersey, New York area please let me know.Thanks for your help.
I was wondering about Easter Eggers, any recommendations or problems with them? Thanks
My Barred Rocks are sort of loud...SO...I'd skip those. My RIR is the loudest bird I own.

Have you thought about Cochins? All 4 of mine are very laid back and almost completely silent...until feeding time.
I don't know about everyone else's but my EE's are quite and are good layers too. I think they came from cackle hatchery.
Are RIR usually loud? and how many eggs do your Easter Eggers Produce a week?

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