Which breeds did you wish you got?

I HAVE :::
4 RI reds
5 white Plymouth rock
4 barred Plymouth rock
4 buff orphington
And currently 5 broad breasted turkeys

I WANT :::
3 blue Favaucanas
2 black and copper marans
1 silky
But they are sold out right now. I think I have to wait till next spring

Welcome to BYC @Tresina !
I started with a variety, 2 SL Wyandottes, 1 Orrington buff, 2 easters eggers, 2 barred rocks, 1 production red and 2 cuckoos, didn't like the orrington buff (too broody and just mean) but 10 was too many so i rehomed the orrington and SL wyandottes (I did like and were beautiful), but house hold size changed so i downsized. The Cuckoos I love the color of their eggs ( med to dark brown with spots)but they are not friendly not even from the beginning and with handling. The Production red (little red) is my favorite and has the most characters, she will jump in your lap or on your shoulder to see what you are doing, she is 2 yrs old and has started to get white feathers but she is still laying 3 eggs a week at least, but all of our chickens are pets so they will stay with us until they pass away. i wish i could afford ($2000) the all black chicken that lays black eggs and has all black meat (not that i would eat it) and they are not sexed before sending. I can't have roosters.
I started with 4 Delawares added 2 Buff Orps Later added a Cream Legbar and a Pita Pinta.

ive added 2 Breeder quality delawares and am in the process of building breeding flocks for them the Cream legbars, Pita Pintas and trying to add Barred hollands.

Welsummer and Arkansas blue egg layers are the only 2 breeds Im interested in adding.

I love my hatchery buff orps they are the sweetest things real lap chickens in fact but the Delawares and others really need help barred hollands and pita pintas are exceptionally rare but worth saving.

If you told me I could have only one breed It would be hard to choose between Delaware and Pita Pinta. they are both such excellent birds.
I have barred rock
5 buff orphingtins
2jersey giants
2 golden sea bright bantams
5 Rhode Island Red
1 ee
1 white phoenix rooster
and 2 hens Im unsure what they are
2 jumbo pekins
3 Rouen
I had an Indian Runner the neighbors cat killed was my favorite duck
Will definantly be getting more and I want silver seabright bantams
After taking a 10-year hiatus, I started back up this year, keeping chickens, turkeys and pheasants. They are sooooo addicting, my flock is over 100 already (and should start laying in about 6 weeks). The ones I have YET to get that I really want are:

Cream Legbars, Rhodebars, Seramas (had them before and miss them terribly!), LF Modern Game (I do have bantams), and Bielefelder. Like some others have said, ran out of room! lol Currently expanding the run another 20' for when all my pullets and cockerels reach maturity. Sooo tempting every time I hit the feed store when they currently have "hatchery choice pullets" (that no one is currently sure what they are - even at 5 weeks)...I love surprises. lol But I have to restrain myself!

But as for the Seramas, the only hesitation with them is wintering them inside. I had them when living in Oregon and kept them quite comfortably inside in my linoleum-floored chicken room in a rabbit cage during winter. I just don't have that special chicken room anymore in NM! lol
I really want a Poland. We don't have one due to their lack of being cold hardy, they never have them when we get chicks, and our flock is already over city limits (4, but we have 8)
This is my first year and I ordered about three times as many chicks as I originally planned because I could not choose from so many interesting-sounding breeds. I have different colored Orpingtons, Salmon Faverolles, Black Copper Marans, Cream Legbars, a Welsummer, Barred Rock, Australorp, and a Cochin.

Someday I would love to try out a Light Sussex and a Speckled Sussex, Ameraucanas, a Favaucana, an Olive Egger, and I really want some Swedish Flower Hens! No room at the moment, though! And the SF are a bit rare. Oh- and has anyone seen a Swedish Black Hen aka Svart Hona? Pretty darn cool.
the svart hona just blows me away. too cool
I would like also, cream legbar, if the US can ship to Canada, and Swedish Flower and perhaps svart hona. I had a very nice Cuckoo Moran Roo who died but the other one is very pushy with the hens. never know what you are going to get do you?

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