Which BYC member scares you?

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I mean, Children of boomers can be between 40-50 years old potentially. They aren't all young, Boomer gen ended in 1963

If they are, they're marrying old. millenials are at that "marryin'" age now. Most of the genX peeps are past that.
Yo,I know all this.

Fine, then it's you X's that raised idiot kids. Feel better? 😛
Would yall say a Sence of security/stability also? Seriously, I ask cause interacting with the younger generation as in training at work (that's pretty much all my interactions with younger males) is seems like they have no real world life skills or courage for lack of a better word. Physically, emotionally, financially it seems like it's lacking big time. That's how how majority of them come across as.
Every generation has its problems. I feel like if I start telling you what that problem is in public forum, someone will get mad and cry to a mod. I’ve never preached one of sermons in public forum, only pm.
One of the problems is exactly that, sensitivity. Which makes it difficult to discuss things like that online, just results in bans lol
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