Which BYC member scares you?

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I will say this. Finger pointing to one group or another is never the solution.
reaction meme smiling GIF by EnBW
As a young guy, I feel the need to defend my generation :lau but I really can't. There's some big time issues. Not everyone, but definitely some problems. The thing I will ask is, did older people say in the.. 1950s for example, Say the same things about their "Younger generation" and then they turned out fine as they grew and matured, or is is truly a newer thing as a widespread issue?
The difference I see in me and the younger generation is like my dad taught me things like how to work on a car for example. His way was to pop the hood point to the part and give me a box with a new part in it. I could not go inside until I had the old part in the box. There wasn't any say so you just did it or I had to go pick the green switch that I was gonna get beat with. Respecting your parents and learning how to use tools and stuff like not quitting and persevering and that gave me confidence. That's just an example. The more I did the more confidence I got that I could do something instead of saying f it I quit which I see is a big part of the problems today. Males have no confidence to push through. You're gonna mess stuff up its the learning process. What matters is you don't quit. I was also taught to ask for forgiveness not permission as in make a decision and stick with it. My mom was a seamstress and a confectionist she taught me how to cook and how to be creative with cooking. They both taught me in their own way that yes I can do it and be successful and not coward down to anything or anybody. And I also had alot of discipline being in the fire department so I kind of had 2 dads my biological dad and my chief which was a retired army drill Sargent. The earlobe is a sensitive part of the body and you'll pretty much do whatever when grabbed by it lol. Seriously to me it all starts with confidence if you have confidence you have half the battle won. One last thing my dad also taught me how to be a man and work for me and mine and take care of my loved ones as in not letting no mf er disrespect my wife, my daughter or my sisters. I will say I feel for the younger generation males cause of what society has become. It's like masculinity is bad and to not show it kinda like we were taught not to show feelings like crying cause that's a sign of weakness. I mean they can't even talk to a girl without the possibility of getting a sexual harassment charge simply for flirting. What's it gonna come down to a dude seeing a girl he likes and sending his attorney to her geeze. Anyway sorry to be so long winded have a good day
“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.” G. Michael Hopf

Sadly, I think we've been in the creating hard times phase for awhile now.
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