Which chicken breeds are the most quiet and nice?

Sorry, haha I meant to say that I actually want about 2 or 3 , for sure a Red Star and an Easter Egger. I am also thinking about getting a Silkie. Anyone know where to get all of these in Orange County area in southern california?
My Cochin girls are wonderful , friendly and very quite...... they do not lay every day. I have Ameracunas also and mine are quite and good egg layers but since they are slight in body size they can fly a ways. I have a silkie hen and rooster but they are only a few months old. I have admired them for a long time and have read nothing but good things ( since they are not for eggs I am not worried about that quality) I have 2 Salmon Faverolles , one is quite , one is a chatter box. Just chicken type chatter as in happy , not annoying noise. they lay medium pinkish eggs. The other breeds I have may be a bit noisey for what you want while I just consider it chicken chit chat
I have two grown Ameraucanas and two chicks. They are not always quiet, but mostly. Babs tends to be the loudest, letting out a big "Ba-gok!" when she can't find Fifi. I can hear her yell more than 300ft away.
On the other hand, they are WAAAY quieter than my neighbor's dashunds.
My EE's are the best layers and very quiet, the cochins and the brahmas are the most gentle and hardly make any noise at all..and lay ok.
I have Black Australorps (BA's) and 1 Easter Egger (EE) so far they are very quiet. My EE makes less noise, but is my trouble maker and escape artist. My BA's make a little bit more noise (if they step on each other while trying to get to the treats) but are still pretty quiet. My neighbor didn't even know we had chickens until the kids so kindly told her. She was really surprised. Luckily she seems really okay with it.

As a side note: Someone on the board here just suggested that I look into California Whites. They are a California Gray crossed with a White Leghorn. Apparently they are quiet, very friendly, and lay LOTS of large white eggs. They are also a smaller bird so less feed and space is needed to keep them. Which might be a good fit for a smaller suburban/urban yard. I am seriously thinking about adding them to my small flock. https://www.backyardchickens.com/breeds/leghorn/chicken/258
My EE is constantly "talking" her head off! All day, she makes noises no matter what's going on. She gets loudest when she finds herself separated from the other girls. In other words, she is NOT QUIET. I don't know if it's because she's an EE, though, or if it's just "her personality".

My Silkie makes tiny peeps, especially when i talk to her, but they're not loud at all. And she never crows or sings.
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