Which Chicken Breeds Sell Best?

Thank you all so much for feedback. I will keep this all in mind as I consider if this is something I want to pursue. My biggest fear is that turning something I love (chicks) into a job will be just that, a job. And I don't want to not like something I'm so passionate about. Thanks again for taking the time to respond. I couldn't have asked for better responses from the best community!
How I keep it from that is this:

Job: Feeding, Watering, cleaning and selling (usually involving posting ads and delivery)

Joy: Sitting there and watching them, picking them up to pet, naming certain ones and learning their personalities

Roughly 45 minutes total for average for each pen a day as a job, and then however long I chose for the joy part.
I can understand the concern. I don't think it would work that way tho.
I have had many attempts of hobbies I love turning into a way to profit from and eventually, I realized I had lost the joy of doing them to make a deadline. Now, I'm sure this is different because there is not much of a deadline. I'm just getting my "chicks" in a row and finding what I need to do first and will go from there. Chicks are amazing and I most likely will go through with it but just want to make sure I'm not being hasty. Thanks again for your input!
Oh yes it can flip from enjoyable to a job. Don't let that happen
I'd really hate for it to happen that way as I have never had anything bring so much joy. But I have had it happen before with hobbiess so I will pray and contemplate it longer. Luckily I have a bit of time! Seems like a lot of work to get started but fun work!
How I keep it from that is this:

Job: Feeding, Watering, cleaning and selling (usually involving posting ads and delivery)

Joy: Sitting there and watching them, picking them up to pet, naming certain ones and learning their personalities

Roughly 45 minutes total for average for each pen a day as a job, and then however long I chose for the joy part.
This is exactly how I'd imagine it. Where do you keep them? I have one room (my office) I could convert to keep the incubators and brooders.
This is exactly how I'd imagine it. Where do you keep them? I have one room (my office) I could convert to keep the incubators and brooders.
Oh god, where don't I keep them? 😅

I have several pens, some single slots, broader boxes in a shed, incubators on my counter, 3 (soon to be 4) prefab coops....
Oh god, where don't I keep them? 😅

I have several pens, some single slots, broader boxes in a shed, incubators on my counter, 3 (soon to be 4) prefab coops....
Hahah exactly how I imagine my house would be! I'm really thinking it could work. I love the "job" aspect too, like feeding and cleaning even. It makes me feel productive and I love it.
and I incubate in the back room, and have the most recent incubation in a brooder box in the back room, till 2-3 weeks. The next two oldest groups get the barn grow-out pen and its attached run, everyone older than that is in the adult run, hen houses, and pasture.

<0 Weeks - Incubator (12 eggs, less quits)
<3 Weeks - Brooder (up to 12 birds)
<9 Weeks - Grow Out (two hatchings, 12-24 birds)
>9 Weeks - Main Run & Pasture (40+ birds)

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