Which chicken breeds should l choose? Looking for chickens who are sweet and good layers

I’m getting 5 layers soon and I had lots of breeds to choose from I have picked 2 already but I’m not sure for the rest these are the breeds l can choose from:

Easter egger
Cinnamon queen
Golden comet
Black Jersey giant
Lavender ameraucana
The qualities I am looking for is a good layer and friendly to people and other chickens
I have decided to go with a Dominique, Easter egger, and Ameraucana thank you to everyone for all your help!
EEs can be hit or miss as far as laying, as there's no real consistency to their genetic makeup.

if eggs are a priority then the hybrids (Cinnamon Queen, Gold Comet) would be your best bets for production.
My Easter Eggers are all poor layers. The pullets all laid a few eggs a week from when they started until September, then quit until this week. The older EE hasn’t started laying again yet.

All my Orpington pullets laid fairly well through the winter, as did the mature hens.

If you are looking for a friendly good layer, check out the Amber Stars from Murray McMurray. Mine are excellent layers and very friendly. I haven’t seen them bullying the other hens either.
I’m super excited! Unfortunately the amerucana and Easter egger were already bought but I’m still getting the Dominique and going with the cinnamon queen and gold comet for the others
If you want good layers. WLH. mine laid all winter an egg or two here and there. Getting about 8-10 a week from 5. They molt like crazy. Still have more WLH with only about 50% of her feathers. They are smart birds. At night I tell them "get up" and they get on the high roost. They are skittish you will only be able to catch them in the dark. They do let me pet them and sing a lullaby to them at bedtime. Good time to check feet and crops. They can hardly roost at night because their crops are so full. They almost topple off the roosts. WLH lay a jumbo+ egg. White of course. Nice eggs.

I have 2 SLW who lay a medium brown egg just coming into lay now. They didn't molt too heavy this fall. 2 RIR they lay a brown egg also. Just starting up now. Mine are not great layers anytime of the year. 2 Barred Rocks one lays ok they other not so much.

I have 12 birds and during the summer I get 7-9 eggs most days. They are all in the 2 year old range. Some closer to 3 years old. Time to think about replenishing the flock.

Good luck with whatever you choose. I think egg laying is kinda individual. Some lay well and some of the same breeds lay well and some not so much.

BTW I feed 18% protein, mealworms are part of their diet HIGH Protein and scratch daily albeit much more in the winter for calories.

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