Which Chicken Hatchery do you think is the best


10 Years
Jul 13, 2009
I'm asking becuase I have been wanting some chicks, but don't know where the best place is to get them. Breeders of large varieties can be listed too. Thanks!
I would go with Meyer Hatchery. They do mail deliveries once a week, and they rarely sell out. I reccomend Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, Black Australorps, Brown Leghorns, or Rhode Island Reds.
I ordered chicks online from Cackle Hatchery. I had never ordered chicks before, so was a little nervous. They arrived from Missouri to Washington state in 2 days. They were all alive and we didn't lose any of them. They are now 10 weeks old and doing great. I highly recommend them.
I like Ideal Hatchery. The chicks were scheduled to arrived two days after shipping date, but arrived the next day. Great birds, though they do tend to sell out a lot. I guess they're pretty popular
I've heard good things about Cackle, Ideal and Meyer. I got my hatchery chicks from Ideal because they let me order a small number, they are relatively nearby, and the feed stores in my area order from Ideal. I had the same experience as Year of the Rooster - my chicks arrived earlier than I expected, and all were healthy, have survived and thrived (they're now 5 months old).

My parents order their layers and meat birds from Cackle because it's closer to where they live. They've always had good luck with them and will continue to order from there.
I ordered my first batch of chicks from Ideal this year. I live in Indiana and they came all the way from Texas, all healthy and happy (plus a few extra). I highly recommend them and will order from them in the future
I have ordered from Murray McMurray twice and had good luck both times. One think I like is that they do not have a minimum order per breed (just 25 total) so you can order 1 or 2 of various breeds if you want to.

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