Which chicken is the hardest to catch?


12 Years
May 21, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
My Rhode Island Reds are really easy to catch. I was wondering if anyone knows of a breed that is difficult or impossible to catch? Do you know any breeds that can fly over a six foot fence? I think I got lucky with my RIR flock since they stay put and are easily managed.
Well, my Wyandottes hate to be touched, and are very agile and fast to keep from being caught. The Ameraucanas are the high jumpers.
My White Leghorn is the only hen that let's me pick her up. She LOVES to be held. Not flighty at all. Still tryin to get my SLW to stay calm, but they both follow me wherever I go
Some of the little bantams like OEGB's are terrible to catch because they can a) fly and b) run under things to hide. If my little guys don't want to be touched, you aren't getting them.
I have several Polish/cross hens and every single one is a total spazz. They run away screaming if you even look like you're thinking about getting near them. One pure Polish is quite skittish but not as bad as the crossed Polish. And they fly really high. We had to put netting over the 6 foot high run to keep one in. We like to keep them penned until afternoon so they get their egg laying done before they free range.
One had taken to flying up onto the coop roof and from there up into a huge Cedar tree. Refused to come into the coop at night. We trapped her and clipped her wings, but that only slowed her down for about a week. She's back at it again.
I was told after to only clip one wing so it would throw off her balance.
I'll never get anymore Polish hens. They're too spazzy.
My Leghorns are hard to catch as well as my Old English Game, but I haven't clipped their wings yet... I'm planing to build a new small run with a short 36" chicken wire fence around it. I'll have to do someting to keep them in.

My Orpingtons are not only easy to catch, they come when called...

My Red Sex Links are almost the same way, they may get there after a while...

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