Which Hatchery do you recommend?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jun 27, 2012
Hi, I was wondering what peoples opinions are of these two hatchery's Meyer Hatchery and Murray Mcmurray. Don't know which one i should order from.
Really, if you can, you should not order from any big hatchery like that. They are not very nice people, to sum it up. If you want chicks, it is more humane to find someone around who has them. Or just get ex-batt rescues.
Really, if you can, you should not order from any big hatchery like that. They are not very nice people, to sum it up. If you want chicks, it is more humane to find someone around who has them. Or just get ex-batt rescues.
I had 0 problems from people at Meyer and 0problems with the birds.Yes it is great to be able to accommodate rescue hens.That is probably not best for newcomers.
When I say they are not nice, I mean they hatch chicks and treat them like they are objects in a factory. I just would not pay someone to factory make chicks, sort them, and ship them like products. If you have a choice, find a breeder. A bit less cruel.
Hatchery birds are a good way to start a flock. They are less expensive and bred specificly for eggs and/or meat. Keep in mind that hatchery birds tend to not be anywhere near the standard of breeds, and the roos (even if you order pullets you are likely to get a couple roos) can be aggressive, even the docile breeds. That said I have delt with both hatcheries, but Murray has amazing customer service and the birds I have recived from them (over 100 and only 1 early loss) are super healthy and arrive quickly. Good luck on choosing your new additions
I just received some birds from McMurray last week. Super healthy and active little ducks and the customer service was top notch.
My only hatchery experience was with Meyer. I chose them because they had better availability on the breed I wanted.

So far all of my birds, 19, have been healthy and strong. Also the rep I communicated with about some questions I had was very nice and responded quickly.

I wouldn't hesitate to use them again

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