Which kidnapping case freaks you out the most?


Go Zinnia!

Let's hear it for smart kids!

But the worst part was that he looked a bit like the guy who kidnapped Jaycee Dugard from what I can recall. I didn't live far from him at the time either, and it was also when he hadn't been discovered yet. Thankfully they rescued the poor girl from him after all those years and locked him up.
Oh, that would've been terrifying to find out!

I'm just so glad that wasn't the case: one less kid that suffered at his hands I guess. The poor girl though, I hate to hear of stories like that, where they spend the years they should be out and about locked up and lonely
I'm SO glad I said no. Hopefully it wasn't even the same guy.

I know. Her whole childhood and teenagerhood was completely ruined, and to make matters worse she had two kids with him.
I'm glad the old scumbagish perv will be locked up for the rest of his miserable life for commiting such a crime.
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I read a study once that showed that although children were often warned about being abducted by someone when they were playing or going from place to place, that they expected the person to be 'creepy' or 'weird' in some way.

They were wary of a person wearing an odd long coat and strange hat, but not of a person that was dressed normally.

Almost every single child said they would follow a 'nice looking' person, who, for example, came up saying they had lost their dog, and would the child help find it.

Children have to be taught that 'creepy' or 'weird' means, 'showing inappropriate interest in you', and has nothing to do with posture or clothing.

Unfortunately, telling them that their relatives, or Mom and Dad's friends are okay, really isn't a good idea.

Because relatives and friends are often exactly the people who do these things.

And quite often, they use the 'Your dad told me to come and get you - there's been an accident, and I have to take you home right away' ploy.

For strangers, the 'help me find my lost kitten' ploy is not at all unusual.

But kids have to be taught that ANYTHING that involves them going off routine, especially with a stranger or unnanounced relative or friend, is wrong. Nowadays, with many children having cell phones, a child can call their parent and confirm if the person really was 'sent by Daddy to take you home'.

I even know parents who have play acted through various scenarios with kids. They should include the 'normal, friendly' type of person approaching a child.

I hate that kids have to even be told about such things, but the fact is, they need to know what to do.

And I don't think it's anything new, but since our population has more than doubled since I was a child, there just are more. Fifty years ago in the 'crimeless suburbs', there were people in cars prowling around offering candy to kids and offering rides. I can recall being about five, and my Mom sitting me down and saying, 'There is a green car going around trying to lure children into getting into the car, don't take any candy or be friendly to that person'. We were actually taught to remembr the color and license plates of any driver that hung around the school or followed along on our route home.
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Casey Anthony should not get 'Life' in prison.She should get death.However I don't feel she should go the easy way.Lethal injection is too good for her.Very least she should get electrocution(yes I know they don't electrocute there anymore). That poor baby did not deserve to die.Her mother doesn't deserve to live.The grandparents should be prosecuted for accessory after the fact,for trying to hide the truth. I could never imagine how a parent could kill a child. She kills her baby girl,gets a new tattoo and joins a hot body contest,another mother drives her car off into a river with her children buckled in it,so she can be with her boyfriend.A mother here near us a few years back lets her young daughter leave with a complete stranger,because he bought her a hamburger. Never to hear from her again.Ever hear of Albert Fish? He was the original Hannibal the Cannibal. Read up on Grace Budd or Albert Fish. Truly one of the most bothersome.

I really think that "life" in prison will be a better option for her because she will be put in the general population and usually other prisoners don't like the baby killers. She will be tortured every single day. She has been in her own little cell for 23 hrs a day for 3 years....I don't believe that the grandparents had any involvement in the death of Caylee.

I haven't heard of Grace Budd or Albert Fish

I don't feel we as taxpayers should have to support her for the rest of her life.She is what?20-22 yrs old? Even if she died fairly early that would still mean us paying for a worthless excuse for a body to live for another 30-40+yrs. And our corrections facilities are starting to fill up with worthless baby killing mothers.Pretty soon they'll be the majority. As for the grandparents...I don't believe they had anything to do with the death....(accessory AFTER the fact).... They sure are doing a bang up job trying to cover it up.Going from calling the cops on her to all of a sudden ..."oh she drowned in the pool and we hid it."....to my daddy abused/assaulted me as a child,and daddy just goes with it....I think they're all nutballs.

Albert Fish was a cannibaliastic child eater.He had claimed to have bodies in every state.More than 100. The only one he could truly be linked to however was grace budd...as the budd family received a note years later explaning what he did to her and how good she tasted when he cooked her.Truly one of the lesser knowns and most morbid souls to have existed.

Chicken Obsessed
From: Bristol
Registered: 05/04/2009
Posts: 1008
E-mail PMRe: Which kidnapping case freaks you out the most?Susan Smith - You couldn't just give them to their father??

That's the one I was thinking of with the car deal.Then there was a woman(in TX I think) that drowned all of her kids.4 or 5 of them I think.From baby up to like7-8? You could imagine the person who systematically chases their children down,drags them screaming and crying to the bathroom then holding their beautiful lil faces down until their lifeless? Then taking them and laying them out in their beds and covering them up like their sleeping?While their father is at work? Could you imagine the pain of that father coming home to that?Surprisingly the father didn't kill her.I think I would have just lost it and killed my spouse for something like that.Then her defense in court was PPD... I don't care if you are or think you are going through PPD... You don't systematically and almost ritually kill everyone of your children....

For the almost kidnapped incidences....I can add one actually two if you actually think about it...I used to live on the westbank of New Orleans.The neighborhood (apartment compex) wasn't BAD,but it wasn't good either.Had your usually druggies or domestic disputes,fights.But nothing horribly bad for the most part.One night when I was about 12 I had been up all night cleaning my room(I was a very messy child,never liked cleaning,but what kid does).I had fallen asleep and the window was open.For some reason I happened to wake up and noticed the window,so I went and closed and locked it.While doing this I noticed the screen had been pulled apart from the windowall tha way acroos bottom and up one side.Had I startled someone or someone else startled them? I got the weirdest chills in my life.Had I just avoided being kidnapped? A bit later,maybe months or so(I was 13 now), I was asleep in my room with my cat.(which we weren't supposed to have,she was a stray I snuck inside).My room was very small.I had a full or queen size(i know it was big) brass bed,with a large corner desk next to it at the top and a large antique dresser by the foot on the side,creating a narrow walk between.My mom's friend next door had had her power cut off and she had 2 smaller kids,so they ran an extension cord through the front room window to their apt so they'd have a light and fan or whatever.I'm awakened in the night to my light being off and someone grabbing me trying to cover my mouth and drag my out of my bed.They couldn't maneuver in the dark very well with my room being so cramped and cluttered,then my cat jumps into his face and I'm hearing all this awfull growling screaching.He manages to get her off,and run out of the my room.The hallway light was still on,and while going out the room I was able to tell her was rather tall and had that flattop haircut.He ran around the corner and out the front door,which he must have had open waiting... My mom finally comes in,theirs blood everywhere( I'm assuming it's from the cat attacking him), She runs out the door calling the police to catch a glimpse of someone running through the alley to the back where a truck was sitting waiting with 2 more guys in it. We never found out who it was or anything.Cops acted like it was made up almost,then acted like it was her fault because she had the window opened just a crack for the cord to go through.(which it was). Within a couple days I moved to my grandfathers,then a few months later hear to MS.I still have a phobia of windows.I would live in a windowless house if I could.It took me years to be able to sleep and I still don't sleep as well at night as I do in the daytime.I now live in a raised house and I am manic about the windows and doors.All windows are locked.Checked everynight even though I don't open much.Doors are checked everytime I get up in the night. I'm also manic about where my kids are.Even though my house is childproof,etc... I still check on my kids in their room playing every few minutes.When I'm outside working,they are right there with me... Our pool is above ground and the ladder stays IN the pool.There is a fence seperating where the girls play and everything else.​
People can oooh and ahh over these crimes, but until they really know the circumstances, they don't understand what the real problem is that underlies these problems. The mentally ill people who are actively prevented from getting treatment, for one thing, and for another the people who have committed crimes against children over and over and are still unsupervised and free to move about in the community, for example.

That's the one I was thinking of with the car deal.Then there was a woman(in TX I think) that drowned all of her kids.4 or 5 of them I think.From baby up to like7-8? You could imagine the person who systematically chases their children down,drags them screaming and crying to the bathroom then holding their beautiful lil faces down until their lifeless? Then taking them and laying them out in their beds and covering them up like their sleeping?While their father is at work? Could you imagine the pain of that father coming home to that?Surprisingly the father didn't kill her.I think I would have just lost it and killed my spouse for something like that.Then her defense in court was PPD... I don't care if you are or think you are going through PPD... You don't systematically and almost ritually kill everyone of your children....

Sounds like Andrea Yates. Her sentence was changed, by the way.

Andrea Yates, that was not the usual case, if there ever was one.

Andrea Yates did not have PPD (I assume you mean Post Partum Depression).

She had post-partum psychosis, which is different, and much more severe and dangerous.

In psychosis, people don't understand what's going on around them in a very, very major way. All the information they take in, what they see, think and decide, is all distorted in a major, major way. They suffer from 'impulsivity', which means they just suddenly do things that make no sense and have nothing to do with how they feel most of the time.

For example, my friend's brother was extremly psychotic, and one day, he was happy, laughing, having a good day, having a nice time with his brother, and right while his brother was standing there, he just lept off the 2nd floor porch and landed on his head on the sidewalk - never regained consciousness. What so stunned the entire family was that he did this right in the midst of being HAPPY. He had been doing very well - wasn't upset, wasn't angry, hadn't been depressed - it's incomprehensible, but that's what happens when the brain is not working right.

That type of thing is always a risk, especially when a person is unmedicated. They don't INTEND to hurt themselves - their brain just is not working right.

However, my own feeling about Andrea Yates was that she didn't have post partum psychosis either - but that she was severely mentally ill the entire time, and just got far sicker right after she had a baby. In other words, a continuous mental illness with extreme worsening after giving birth (not unusual).

He husband took her off her medication, because he wanted to have her keep having babies all the time.

She got sicker, and sicker, and sicker and sicker.

Her husband kept getting her pregnant. She kept having babies.

Finally, it got so she could not take care of the children.

I saw a video of her - she was so sick she could not even stand up. She would just sit around shaking. She couldn't do any basic care of herself, let alone her children.

The video was horrific. The only think she could do, the only part of her body that come move, was her hand, which moved a little bit when she saw one of her children - her eyes clouded up with tears, she got a faint smile on her face, and tried to reach out to touch one of the children, who turned and smiled at her, but she couldn't lift her hand up enough to do so.

To deprive some one of their medication and to keep them having babies when you know it makes them even sicker every single time, that requires a very special kind of man.

A very sick, very selfish sort of man.

She was a mess. She was responsible for caring for his kids as well as other kids and for homeschooling them.

She was too sick to do that.

For quite a long time, they'd been living in a very crowded trailer with all those kids. More stress for a sick person. He had his relatives come over and keep an eye on her, and they all very determinedly, kept her off her medication.

Rusty told everyone medication didn't work for her. When she went to jail, she took medication very cooperatively. Within 48 hours of starting a very ordinary, commonly available medication, she was no longer psychotic.

She had been warning them for over a year, that she was having impulses to harm the children. That was her illness taking over. That wasn't her.

Her thinking process was, that since they had such an evil mother as her, they were doomed, and that in order to save them from suffering she had to kill them - typical thought processes with uncontrolled illness like hers.

Rusty, and his relatives, all knew what was going on.

So one day, they 'forgot' to watch Andrea. Actually, Rusty Yates decided, against the warnings of doctors, to make Andrea more 'independent'.

He deliberately left her alone with the children.

Deliberately. After doctor after doctor not only told him not to do THAT, but also told him not to have any more children as it was obviously making her worse.

She had been telling them for over a year, exactly what was happening in her mind, exactly what that illness was telling her to do.

Now....anyone who was thinking normally, if their wife was THAT sick, they would take the person to a doctor, get them medication, take them to a hospital if need be, so that they would get better.

Not Rusty Yates.

He DELIBERATELY left her alone with the kids DESPITE warnings from doctors and from Andrea herself.

And when the children were all dead, he walked away and let Andrea Yates take all the blame.

What this is called is 'victimizing a mentally ill person'. I heard of a previous case - a father who was abusing one daughter, and hid his mentally ill daughter's medication every day. When the mentally ill daughter tried to tell people that he was abusing her sister, no one believed her. He hid her medication so she'd be obviously ill and no one would believe her.

She killed the children.

When they took her to jail, she eagerly agreed to take medication.

In 48 hours, she was thinking fairly normally.

I'm very used to that. You wouldn't believe it possible if you'd never seen it. The person's mood, their thinking patterns, and most remarkably - their sentence structure, changes drastically, rapidly, within a few days, when the right medication is provided. I've even seen this happen in people who refused medication for decades for their mental illness.

She'll never completely recover, I don't believe, as periods without medication damage the brain permanently. The trick is to get them on medication and keep them on it. Every uncontrolled relapse causes more damage and more disability.

She was horrified when she realized what had happened.

My own opinion on that one was that Rusty Yates and the irresponsible sidewalk preacher who encouraged and blessed every single thing he did to this woman - I'd like to see them on trial lfor murder, and his relatives charged as accessories or co-conspirators to murder.

When Randy Yates was asked what he was going to do next, he said he'd replace the kids - marry someone else and have five more kids.

As one of my clients once said, 'Who's nuts now?'
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I couldn't agree with you more Welsmmerchicks.
That poor women tried to tell her husband and his family that she was ill and needed her medication. If anyone should have gone to jail it should have been him.

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