Which would you choose? Between two Co-Op feeds...

I am surprised at the comments on Triticale. It is an old grain developed in the 19th century from wheat & rye. It appears the "chemical" used to make it is a derivative of autumn crocus. What am I missing?
I linked the article on Triticale and had no opinion on it as I had no idea what it was. Based on that one article alone, I am not impressed with it, however, I would not base a firm opinion on it without more research. If you know more about this than I do, please enlighten me. I was just curious and did a quick google search.

The very little I now know about it is solely based on that one source. According to that article,

"Colchicine is a naturally occurring chemical derived from the colchium family, a genus of about 160 species of flowering perennial plants. It is sometimes used to treat gout and a few similar, painful medical conditions. It is also incredibly toxic. The United States classifies colchicine as an extremely hazardous substance!"

Now maybe that article is accurate, or could be exaggerated for all I know. So while I don't have a firm opinion on it yet, what I read so far doesn't impress me as I would prefer to not consume or have my animals consume foods created in a lab.

I will point out that I like the reason they created this cross in the first place, just possibly not how they did it. Apparently the reason for the cross, was that while wheat has a big yield per acre, Rye has allot of vitamins and minerals that wheat does not.

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