White chicks


Flock Mistress
10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
Benton (Saline County) AR
So, do these chicks look like white rocks? Or what else might you suggest?
They started off yellow, turned solid white, and are not very friendly compared to my RIRs. They really won't hold still long enough for a non-blurry pic. My camera is sloooooow.
They are about 23 days old today:




20 Days old:
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oh they are definitely not Cornish!

I was thinking either White Rock or Leghorn, but I really don't know the differences.
They both lay good I think, right?
They all came from the pullet bin and all seem to be pullets, so I should be OK either way, I was just curious.
Yes both leghorns and white rocks and very good layers, and cute! leghorns lay a nice white egg and white rocks, lay a nice brown egg.
Their long legs and body shape remind me a lot of the white leghorns I've got.

You'll be able to tell which they are long before they start laying. Rocks will have red earlobes, and leghorns will have white earlobes. In general, red earlobes mean brown eggs, and white earlobes mean white eggs.
im not very good at finding the earlobes, but arnt there red? or amm i looking at the wrong red dot on the side of there face...? can anyone tell?

edit: and pluse, dont leghorns have REALLY somewhat larger combs, and those arnt THAT BIG for there age sooo im thinkin those are white rocks....
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