White-eared EE?


9 Years
Aug 3, 2010
The Naugatuck Valley
I thought that chicks with white earlobes layed white eggs. One of my two-week Easter Egger chicks definitely has white earlobes. Which would make it not an Easter Egger. (Or a DIY Easter Egger.. maybe I'll rename her "Homedepot")
Since EE are "mixed breed" they can have almost any characteristics of either parent. Most EE have red ears, peas combs and green legs ~ however some don't.

I have 3 EE hens that have yellow legs and 2 lay green eggs (1 tan) and I also have an EE roo that has green legs, a fluffy white beard and a big straight comb ~ I'm not sure what color of eggs his babies might lay as he is only 5 months old.

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