White Easter Egger, gender?

She's only around 8-10 weeks though by my calculations :/ I have an EE that's around 16 weeks and she doesn't seem to think laying an egg is in her near future haha.
This one here is half the size of the 16 week one too ... not to say I'm not glad you're saying it's a pullet! I hope you're right!
They really seem to be ... she (or he) is still being pretty mysterious about her gender yet but hopefully in another couple of weeks I'll know for sure. Thanks for the help! :)
She looks just like my Snowy (dim. of Snow White). I purposely picked her out because I wanted a pullet and solid white was more likely to give me girl than my previous two picks (ended up being two roos).

She even has the "skid mark" looking comb (no real raised area on the comb) I couldn't get a good photo of the comb but you can kind of see it's similar to yours.

She looks just like my Snowy (dim. of Snow White). I purposely picked her out because I wanted a pullet and solid white was more likely to give me girl than my previous two picks (ended up being two roos).

She even has the "skid mark" looking comb (no real raised area on the comb) I couldn't get a good photo of the comb but you can kind of see it's similar to yours.


She's adorable! I can see the likeness though ... so there's hope :)
How old is yours? Mine is about 8 or 9 weeks and seems to still be stuck in that gawky teenager stage so she's not as elegant and rounded out as Snowy is. That and she had a big bald spot on her back where the chickens from the coop I'd gotten her from beat her up ... It's growing back in slowly.
I don't know her exact age...I bought her mid June. Farmer/Breeder that sold her to me advertized that they should start laying in the next couple of weeks. Sure enough, she started laying July first. I estimate her hatch date to be mid-February. (Actually I thought she might have been hatched beginning of March until I found 3 eggs on the floor of her quarantine coop so I backed it up a couple more weeks.)

Wait, is she still only 8-9 weeks? If you're sure about that age, I'd be concerned. My white EE Roo started getting red about 8 weeks..

Here are some new photos ... do their combs get redder when it's warm out?
Hers was really light the first day we brought her home, and it's not THAT red but ... after I had to get rid of my last roo it'd be so unfortunate to find out she really wanted to be a he instead ... I can't help being worried over it

This a roo-ish looking comb? :/

Thanks for all the help so far you guys!
I don't know the EXACT age ... the lady I got her from said she had a group of 2 month olds and 3 month olds (they all looked the same size though) so I can't be certain but she (or he) is the same size as my 9 week old Barred Rocks.

So far the comb hasn't gotten any darker yet ... still is a light pink.
UPDATE! 99% sure she stayed a girl :)

Her entire posture and poise is all hen, and has rounded out quite nicely! She's almost 23 weeks now, so hopefully I'll be getting eggs soon to make it 100% sure!
Thank every one again for their speculations! So happy she turned out a girl

I named her Perilla <3


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