White Easter Egger?

As you can see from my siggy, this is my dream
And I am pretty sure I have TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're only 5 days old, but so far totally white
Such pretty birds. My EE's are only 1 1/2 weeks old. One dark brown, two light brown, and one looks like she will be white and cream/gold.
I love the variety of colors..
Thank you for this thread --

We received our order from McMurray last week and included in it were what I thought were seven Red Star chicks (we ordered six straight run - the order had three females and four males.) I happened to read this posting yesterday thinking how interesting that there were white EE's.

Well, this morning as I'm feeding and watering the chicks, I noticed that one of the "Red Star Males" is a little bigger than the other three. And he has green legs? And he's got a muff, too? I don't know if I would have paid that much attention to it if I hadn't read about the white EE's - don't think I would have even considered it as an EE because I had never heard of a white one before. Needless to say we've revised our count and we now have six Red Stars, and seven EE's - one pure white. Who'da thunk?
Here's my two week old white easter egger from Ideal.

I was also confused by her blondness...I thought I'd gotten two buff orpingtons instead on one. Then I noticed her puffy cheeks.

I'm obsessed with trying to figure out if she's going to be all white. I noticed a tiny brown feather starting to emerge from her tail. Any speculation on what she's going to look like?


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