White "gel" stuck on to my chicken's butt? Please help! Emergency!

No, not yet. I don't have driving liecense yet and my dad thinks its unnecessary to go out and buy medical supplies just for a chicken, so I'm trying to find replacements that are more likely to appear in daily life. I looked up and it said eggshells could be a source of calcium but I'm not sure about the citrate part. And now she's acting like before the bath again, standing still, no appetite, not interested in anything and seems very tired. She did poop once though and is was very watery.
Do you have any Tums? You can crush one into her food if you can get her to eat, or break it into pieces and open her mouth by gently pulling on her wattles and put it to the side and back of her mouth then let her swallow it.
Looks to me like egg white. She could of had a shell less egg break inside of her. If you have not seen the yolk it’s possible it’s still inside her. I would give her a calcium citrate tablet if you have. It will help force contractions. Tums could work if you don’t have the other.

It doesn’t take long for infection to set in if it is an egg that broke and the yolk is still inside. If she starts acting lethargic she needs to be started on an antibiotic. I have used amoxicillin with this happened to one of mine. If you do not have it on hand it can be found at most pet stores or tsc. They sell it as fish ammox or aquamox. Dosage is 125mg/kg (125mg per 2.2 pounds) every 12 hours.
She has been acting a bit like half falling asleep and half awake, but most of the time she's just standing there. There are no yolk yet but the eggwhite's already out and has pooped a very watery poop after that. I will try to get amoxicllin if possible.
We don't have tums but we do have baking soda. Would that work? She's acting sleepy and stays standing still. Haven't heard a single sound from her for about 2 hours now. No yolk or shells are coming out. Is she still in "emergency mode"?
I have her in a big cardboard box (with straw beddings) in our garage (65f) currently. She's not reacting to anything or anyone. Not drinking or eating, not even the treats like eggs or rice that she usually loves. Would honey water help? Last time when she caught a cold, I kept feeding her honey water and it seemed to help a little. Her face is more pale than usual and seems to always be puffed up (not in a aggressive way). Is there anything else I can help her with? Would giving her raw eggs to eat help?
We don't have tums but we do have baking soda. Would that work? She's acting sleepy and stays standing still. Haven't heard a single sound from her for about 2 hours now. No yolk or shells are coming out. Is she still in "emergency mode"?
I don't think baking soda will help and have never used it with my chickens so can't really advise much on that. Unfortunately, yes, she is still in a lot of danger and might die. That would be the case even if you could get calcium and antibiotics. It all depends on what's happening inside of her. Puffed up and nonresponsive is not a good sign. Try to keep her hydrated with some electrolyte water if you have it (gatorade works) or honey water. If she seemed to enjoy the bath before you could try it again, but be gentle moving her as it's possible there is eggshell pieces inside her hurting her.
The egg material would be stuck in the oviduct which doesn't connect to the intestines until the very end. It is very hard for a hen to pass broken, sticky egg material rather than the intact egg.


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