White "gel" stuck on to my chicken's butt? Please help! Emergency!

It's normal for a crop to feel squishy during the day when they are drinking a lot of water. I'd guess she is drinking a lot because she still feels off from the broken egg, though sour crop or an infection can also cause thirst. To check for crop issues I remove food and water when they go to bed and check on them first thing in the morning to make sure the crop feels flat. No need to remove food and water for a full 24 hrs imo, as it will cause them to get weak. If you do notice a crop issue I'd treat it based on this article:

Glad to hear she's improving.
I just feeled her crop, it's probably a sour crop. The internet says to take out food and water for 24 hours to empty the crop, should I do that?
I will see if I can get some Calcium Citrate soon. She is starting to cluck again now, but still just a little bit. She has a lot plenty of plain water and she's drinking a lot and is pooping. Hopefully she will be better by tomorrow.

I think her crop has been emptied mostly. She's clucking more but not very loudly. Is pooping more regularly but still no yolk is to be seen.
Her crop is mostly emptied?
Re-check first thing in the morning before she's had anything to eat/drink.
When she goes to roost tonight at dusk, make sure she doesn't eat/drink after that until you check her crop when she wakes up in the morning.
If the crop is empty/flat, then it won't be necessary to treat her for sour crop.

IF the crop has not emptied, then begin treating according to this article https://www.backyardchickens.com/ar...w-to-know-which-one-youre-dealing-with.73607/

Never withhold water during waking hours.
For any hen I've ever treated for crop problems, I make food/water available during waking hours. You risk them becoming dehydrated. A hen will drink a LOT of water when they have crop problems in an attempt to flush out their crop. I let them drink as they please, they generally will self-regulate food.
Do not vomit her or hang her upside to try to empty her crop, she could easily choke and die.

Photos of poop are always welcome.
Her wattle seems a bit (just a teeny tiny bit) purple, or at least darker than usual. Her face also looks more pale and her poop is green with a puddle of white and she seems really tired. I know that sometimes when their wattle are purple or just turning darker, that means they're poisioned. But I don't think there's anything in her box that could possibly poison her, though.
I did give her some dark chocolates though, because I thought that would give her more energy. We've given them chocolates (not dark) before and they were fine with it. I'm not so sure about this time. I was pushing her a little bit to the side to take picture of the poop under her and she just flopped to the side, just laying there. Some poop was also sticked onto her bum. I'm really worried right now. Is there anything I can do?
All chocolate is toxic to birds and dark chocolate has more of the toxins... Make sure she has plain water available to drink, but other than that I don't think there is anything you can do but wait. Hoping for the best.

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